Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Infinite way .

The Infinite Way Of
The Martial Artist
The way forward


  Warning: Martial Arts should be taken under supervision of a trained instructor.
Never attempt to use or demonstrate any martial arts without proper training or professional guidance. No responsibility will be taken in any way or form for any one who uses any of this information, content from the information bellow. No copies should be made, downloaded or information from this site be used for financial gain. Any one found to hold copies without permission from my self will be subject to prosecution. please apply by e mail for copies

The way to find true meaning in life. The answers to some of our dreams and overcome our fears.This is not just for Martial Arts practitioners! It’s for everyone.

Copyright Gary Bridger. (C)

I would like to thank all those people that have read this book as it has developed. As they have contributed in this struggle, for me to gather information. and build what I have written here.  In reading this text, you will see how evidence, and how life  through change, with open-mindedness gave me the tools to move forward, Some  who read are doubtful where others are given enlightenment.
Thank you too:
The Students and Masters from Spirit Combat Martial Arts.
Students from Axminster S.W.S.C. M.A
My friends from Axminster and those at the Hard rock Café in Crete in the year 2002
To Craig at the water sports in Crete who leant me a book that supported everything that I have written and quoted in the past.
In addition, thanks to those who in the past have given good criticism and in helping me get through some English problems in writing this book.
Some of those whom I worked with in Chard, Somerset that I worked with, through interaction and much debate on the events that reflected on our every day lives. This built me wisdom and character, to cope with the strife's of life.
2                                                  Preface
The story of the writer his philosophy and inspiration to finding the way.
A life of many paths.
This is a book for students and people who need to understand life, and themselves. To gain understanding in life, the universe, themselves, with the training of martial arts as a way of life, which leads to fulfillment success and self awareness. However, from reading the points of philosophy and understanding the story, you can relate to this book  and apply strategies to your every day life.
Use this book how you wish, as it has a dual purpose in opening your minds to the world around us.
As for martial arts students and masters, this can be used as reference. Only read what you need to, unless you are inquisitive. But please be warned, Some have been given  fulfillment, enlightenment, where one or two have felt troubled. As some truth has been uncovered what people often deny Many whom have given feed back have been given new light and support.

This book has been put together to give students of martial arts, and other people from all walks of life, a better understanding on how to control themselves, the world that surrounds them.
However, please do not get me wrong in the word control, as control is of a negative nature and is meant only to ourselves and not of the world, or universal gain. As to become balanced you must become one with your self, combining both sides. If you life is fulfilled and your happy then only the Martial Arts part of this book will be what you need to know. Or may not.
It also contains pat of the biography of my life, the hard and good times of leaning as one grows up.
Some of this text will contain some hard to believe stories. Nevertheless, the events did take place. Many of us go through life without question, so we live in confusion and fear. Often looking for an answer is our down fall. As the answer is not what we expected.

If you have had problems in coping with life or if you are timid, withdrawn, and shy, or have some handicap which makes life difficult to handle, More ever understand or have some strange knowing that others persecute you for. then this book may help you, even if you are not interested in martial arts. This is how I found realization in aiming for my goals. How the influence of others reflected on my future and character building.
The build up of awareness that I gained that gave me understanding.  The strength to achieve my goals and finding my path.

Many people have asked me when telling them of many of my experiences, “why is it that they do not see the things I do”?
Simple I say, open your eyes and mind, Look about you, listen breath. Smell touch and observe.
Later in this book I will focus more into martial arts, as this is what this book was supposed to be about, until I worked in Crete. A Big influence came over me and my view on life changed forever. At the end if this book I will explain why.
Events that have an effect on us, things that happen that we often cannot explain. Often we ask ourselves why me?
Sadly our surroundings are far beyond our control, to adjust and adapt to. Therefore, we have to either put up with it, with the sorrow, bad living the boring dead end job, or move on.
The changes that humanity is creating are not good for us or the planet. Man so called progress  destroying us due to greed.

The Authors Biography:
Now to explain everything that influenced me. The spirit world changed my life. What you may ask!
Many people, students of my own, and college students, to people with whom I work, have found life has a bumpy road, with pain and heartache. Confusion with life seeking something different. For some reason having been like a magnet some people. Awareness has given a development to recognise people having hurdles over which they cannot jump. Yikes I say do in need to carry such burden,
If you are prepared to listen, and act, then read on - you could well be what I was like, when I was a boy of around 10.years old. At this time forging through the confusion and peer pressure I went through in life, to find that all that I confronted was a learning curve. To make myself stronger in helping those that needed help. This led to the path.
In the past having met many people, whether strangers, friends, or foe’s, who have leant on me with their problems, from them being bullied as children at school or at home, to marriage break-ups, strangers finding themselves on the verge of suicide. Experiencing this, I have helped others see the light too. However, in saying this I had to experience some of these difficult hurdles also.
After writing this book, I have come back to add these paragraphs, from finding a path, that I wonder was the reason I became as wondering as often people say. I am a dreamer. However, often dreams become tomorrow’s realities. I believe in God, and through my life, did my utmost to do good, even when I became a biker, to brushing sides with some bad strange people I came out wiser about life.
I feel we all have a path, and if we are aware of that nature, we are in tune with our selves as well as with universe. In fact my whole life had started with total confused mix-ups of thoughts, wondering, with so many questions to be answered. Like who am I why am I here. What s life and the reason. To Many questions and no one with the answers.
It all started at the age of five, running around the circled pattern on the carpet in the front room at the old home in Benson, Oxfordshire.
Feeling this thumping in my chest, and not knowing then what it was; asked my mother what was this funny feeling. She replied "It was my heart". From that day I started to experience strange things that I could not understand, not of the body but from dreams to walking in my sleep to talking to things that were not at all there. Or were they? I must admit it sounds cranky and I thought I was crazy in later life, when I look back on it all. As most kids forget all that was.
Up to the 1990’s this would not have been added or even spoken about, as people would not recognise what is happening, but now people are more aware, I can speak out.
In those days in the 60s 70s 80 s spirits and thoughts about the universe were thought of as unreal, you get my meaning? People were more afraid to think, and discuss matters of the unknown. Some would think you crazy to speak of such things, but there were those who would listen and get a buzz, like those from hippies, and felt because it was not normal, it was cool. Sadly they never understood. However, today our questions are being answered.
From the time I was 5 to 26 years of age, I had some strange things happen, like most children they never are understood by many adults This is because as we grow older, we lose the sensitivity that we have been given and developed from the time e are created to when we are born.  Due to all the stresses and calamity, loudness, impurities from life that we are exposed to. Most people and acquaintances that read this book before I added this section, found it difficult to believe that I remember my childhood so clearly. We only remember what we want to remember, or something that gives us a key response to trigger that memory.
Not being so bright, finding math's and English confusing. Only to find out in later life, I am dyslexic. Other things were more interesting, like nature itself. Guess I was just an inquisitive boy. Nevertheless, this inquisitiveness has never died out. More so when I found interest science and marine life. If you have dyslexia this book will give some boost for you not to give up on your self. Mine is mild and through concentration, with focus, can be over come.
From moving from place to place, From Lewis to Oxford Lyme Regis to Bridport, Axminster to Cheshire and back, no matter where I went, destiny landed me in some place that attracted the spirit world. not to forget my education suffered. I felt that it was through meditating at the age of 14, where later in this book I will explain how to meditate correctly. As then i was exposed to as you discover in later chapters, The 70s syndrome of kung -Fu. Not how I should of practiced then. As it was wrong, but the way I should of done as explained under the title meditation.
Wherever I went, I found something guiding me. I would answer my questions and protect myself from some of the negative forces that surround us.
I found this to be true, when I reflect my thoughts back to when I was 18, standing, listening to a rock band named Jody, in the Gray Hound hotel in Bridport. This man who I would describe as looking like Denis Rusolph in a black trench coat and dark inset eyes, gave me a hug, held my hand, and said in my ear "every thing will be OK" At first I thought it was a pick pocket as I hastily checked my pockets to see if I still had my money. However, I turned to my friend who stood beside me, looked to see where the stranger went, he was nowhere to be seen. Once I grasped this event in my life, things started to go forward. Thinking about it? How did I ever hear what he said over all the noise, as the music was so loud?
Going back to my childhood days:
Think about this.
Have you ever put something down and could not explain where it went? Things jumping off shelves without explanation. Like plates thrown one by one from out of a cold cooker. Pushed by something not there. Had a small child throw a tantrum, as they try to make you believe what they have seen. You cannot listen or reason as you do not understand them. As you have not seen or experienced it your self. Have you ever seen someone out of the corner of your eye, or answered a question or just spoke to someone, only to turn and find they were not there.
Questioning this. Talking to many people at parties, and at work, I found I was not alone. Ghosts and encounters of a unknown nature, that I now understand through research on sky TV and the internet I found I was not crazy, as some people made me out to be, however many found that what I have seen and experienced is fascinating and open for discussion. That is another story. Some even to this day remember what they witnessed with me.
Being sensitive was, and some times still a curse to me, but one thing I did find out was that I had a gift that some only wished they had. Some can develop through training and others through thought and faith. Even through Martial Arts people have said that my ability to heal is incredible as I do touch, or should I call it, pressure healing... I know I radiate heat but when I see some one hurt or have an injury, providing I have their trust, I can often take that pain away.
One amazing realism that after 30 years of deep thinking and telling others of what I think has not been wasted as I quote. "Remember what I tell you now and in years to come when this happens you will understand and remember that I have said this."
It is so often that people forget things that do not seem important at the time. That is like life, it is taken for granted, only the car the pub, and the bills are what matters too most, the negative trap. The rat race. Even the dolphins know that man has trapped himself in his own greed.
Do not be pulled in to believing this is life, as your life and soul will stand still. We are surrounded and influenced by our own being and of others but it is our choice of whom we are and what we do. However, remember this, we must never forget to love and be loved. Never ask for, and expect return, but to expand, to reflect will be to be reflected on. Sadly, sometimes this is out of our control due to red tape and politics. Influence from others.
I have my guardian Angels; Yes we all have them if we are prepared to except this. Their influence are felt, and come in some funny ways. Remember this, that praying for gain or material will get you nowhere. Ask for a sign, and help or guidance, and all will come to you as it did me. And still is! It may take time. Believe and understand what you see, do not deny it. Some times though, you get the signs and your heart finds it hard to see them. But often we have set backs, thing do not turn out for what we hoped. Often we have to be pulled back to accelerate forward.
Denial is the negative that the higher level does not want, as they are part of us and we are part of them, deny God you deny yourself. Remember God is only a word and can be many things so don’t be mislead to what is god.  Religion is not what it appears, and it never will be. I think we all know this now.

Born in Sussex in 1960 and moved to the Dorset and Devon area during 1969: This is when it all began.
Far from a hard back street lad who did, and took everything life gave. Far from a "silver spoon" birth. Fuzzy hair, tortoiseshell glasses, and a fragile body, shy and afraid of anything and everything. Picked on, bullied and ridiculed incessantly, and it was not much fun being too vulnerable, an easy target for a good laugh.
At the age of four pushed into taking ballet lessons. Founding this later made this youngster to be flexible and agile. This was one day to be an advantage even though hating the fact I ever did ballet.
At the age of ten, then 11 years of age , I failed the 11 plus, I moved into the big school. Woodroffe fully comprehensive. Very shy, always hanging in the background. Each break time, new boys sought me out---punch, biff! ---Come on Bridger put 'em up! In doing so, CLOUT! cry, cry. Then, facing being pulled down into the mud. Home time was another dread. As then with mud all over me, I would get shouted at.
The weaker ones were pushed, to try me out, I ran away not knowing they were weak. Weak in the mind as well as the soul and body.
Loving to spend Saturday's with my parents, watching wrestling on T.V. With pop and crisps, I used to try to copy the wrestlers. Our neighbour, fooling around, trapped me in bear hugs, to try his strength, he was a real tubby, and we used to wrestle like on TV. This came in handy, finding it became second nature, that when a foe came running on, I could take them out. what I could have done with was a brother, and i laded up with three sisters.
As soon as this became known, being a lightweight and not bad at wrestling, they sure tried me out at school. Then it was back to biff, punch, and kick. Back home I went to my mother, cut and bruised, mud all over the uniform. How do I explain this? So due to all the influences that were so negative to me, I withdrew in to myself, and became a problem with stranger things in my life that I did not understand.
I was frowned upon. Without any understanding, finding mischievous, entertainment, pulling things apart, making things and wondering about life, Familiar?
Seeing things which could not be explained. Having one or two friends that I had to be shook to see what I saw, but they soon forgot, or they drifted away.
To talk about things, that went through my mind, sounded stupid to everybody, I was told to keep quiet that made me frustrated. I had so much to say and no one to listen. If only they did, and tried to understand. I feel people like Steven Spielberg, must understand as many of his films portray this.
So I became afraid to speak. Even now people still do not listen. As so many do not, or cannot understand. Its a funny thing being a human, as you talk about something in University, that i so wished I had gone to. And they listen.
In every day life. in your factory job. or Office. talk about something interesting, people switch off.  Talk about sex or football. Or tell some jokes or slag your friend off, and they are all ears! 
 Therefore, at this time I looked at books Ocean-Ography. 101 Things to Do book, and my love for the sea. Wow an Aunty left a camera, a Kodak 100 to which unsuccessfully I tried to take photos down a microscope my father has to this day, and of wildlife through a telescope not knowing anything of photography. Most of all was a lightning storm in 1974 that was so dry. the show was amazing, i see it now. The eerie quiet and dark blue grey clods moving to black. Lightning like i never seen before and probable never will. It shot from could to could, with balls of fire, trailing a network like a fisherman's net if bright electricity.Flashing < not from the clouds to the ground but from the Cobb wall at Lyme Regis. Up to the clouds. As our window over looked the harbour. Falk, sheet, chain lightning, On the evening it was all there. I remember it so clear. If only I new then what I know now about photography.
Down the beach in the rock pools, and fishing I went. To gaze into the stars and wonder, lying on the beach. This gave ideas of space travel, from when the physics teacher explained Einstein’s theory? Wondering?
Ok some of it relates. However, the one that, if one is in space and throws an object you will travel in the opposed direction. Fine, but what about weight and mass. Someone explains that one. It is said that you cannot travel the speed or beyond the speed of light. Well if in space you fire a force, to repel you and acceleration keeps accelerating, why not.
If alternatively, you come to a point where you come to a constant. Surely if that force was used repeatedly you would accelerate to infinite acceleration. What about Magnets, they can have some amazing affects on things and life. This invisible force must have the answers to many things like healing and travel.
The love grew for photography and scuba diving the oceans like Jacques Chouteau films, Oh boy I loved those films.  Then one day, the best inspiration came to from TV. Came on as: - David Carradine, the film Kung Fu. I watched with such interest. This was what I had been looking for to sort myself out.
When we are kids, everyone has a hero, and at such a young age you try to become that hero. Bat Man or spider Man, in play or whatever. Copying each move, listened to each wisdom, literally playing the part of Kwan Chang Kane---Grasshopper. No one liked me, as I was an outsider to Lyme Regis.
In 1971 Ian, who I met when the 1st Sea Scout movement in Lyme Regis began, became my best friend. Up to the age of 15, Ian, Nigel, and I were the first sea scouts at Lyme Regis (It is still going today I hope). Ian liked Kung Fu and we practiced nearly everyday after school. Everyone liked Kung Fu but we took it one step further---this was to change my life. One or two students in the past I have given guidance to, and shown them the way to improve their life, are now successful in what they do.
One of the bullies who threw continuous punches at me was Simon. He soon found he was wasting his energy when I started using Kung Fu hand movements to block and deflect his attack.
Every one saw a change in me, the bullying stopped, and Simon became my friend, he taught me chess in the break times. I then started to stick up for the weaker ones, the fun started. Only those who had been provoked, or those hard enough to go it alone, or those who had a problem would try to tort and put me to the test.
A year or so before this, about the second year, wrestling was about to be tested. Taking up Judo in 1972, martial arts had only become known at the time in England, as a popular sport.
I always remember walking towards the Dojo hall at Woodroffe School in Lyme Regis. The shouting and slapping of bodies onto those canvas mats, oh boy, gulp! It was littered with footwear and boys. Entering the DO JO and with politeness, bowed, waiting to be noticed and invited in.
They gave me a Gi, A whitish looking robe that hung on me, it looked like Dopey, s clothes in the film Snow White, which were two sizes too big. Gi is the name given to the suit that we train in today. Demonstrations of break falls were shown, half an hour of lying on the mat, slap to the left, slap to the right, I soon got tired and my hands were red and stinging. Then it was time to play back to back. The mats were made of Canvas covered straw then.
Great, until finding my self with more experienced Judo students. Three weeks past, not too bad, a grading in Poole in Dorset where the main Judo centre was, first grading. My knees and elbows were scarred from burns and grazes through being continuously slammed into the mat.
That first grading will long be remembered, of 400 and more students and oh! What a wait. Two rounds, all were lost, little me was just too light, and I felt like a rag doll on that mat, or a slipper being shook by a Jack rustle. This concluded that Judo was not for me. I was feeling like a slipper in a dog’s mouth. You know? When they swing there heads and for the need to play.
At the age of 13, and in the third year at school, I was really becoming different. I hated sport in the past, due to being taught.
Soon I became fond of taking sport because I found myself being accepted, this was through hard training, wanting to prove myself.
In the sea scouts, lots of canoeing, rowing and swimming soon started to put on the muscles. In the bedroom I wrote a program with a diagram provided, for chest expanders and handgrips. Worked each night for an hour, this helped me no end.
One of the supervisors - Bill - an elderly man in his late fifties decided to show us Ju-Jitsu. We trained hard in the Sea Scout hut, such great fun it was too. Jumping over tables and bamboo cane, higher then we could ever jump over, landing onto an old mattress without ill effects. Showing each other ways of hardening ourselves up on to the hard floor, rolling, and defending. He told us it was what he had learned from the commandos. He held a black belt. That black belt was a dream. Never thought I would reach.
Bill not only showed me Ju-Jitsu but he also helped me open my life into the photography world in the early 80s by teaching me the value of perseverance. Bill Roberts at 70 could still jump over a table with a forward roll. Sadly at the time of writing this, I have learnt that he is no longer with us now, so let this be in memory of him.
Bruce Lee came to the cinema. My friends who used to pick on me were now asking me to go and see 'Enter the Dragon' came out of that cinema all keyed up making cries like cats, and jumping around. I still liked my Kung Fu. What they tried on me failed, as my blocking was fluent. That evening they invited me to an amateur Karate club, Shoto Kan. The brother of one of my friends was only a yellow belt but he knew his stuff. He was not supposed to teach, however all of us 12 came and trained, hard. Blocks and punches, kicks and blocks. I became faster and every night I went home with bruises and scars on my arms and face. Silly, but proud. The techniques that Bill showed me would come to serve me well in later life, as they were good self defence moves, they not only defended me but also saved my life too from numerous motorcycle accidents. What a basic forward roll can do!
Back at the amateur Karate club selected friends that once beat me up, now welcomed me, but they still had to have a go just to try me out. Pain was glory, scars were cool, but I was one of the lads. Often blindfolded, piggy in the middle, everyone surrounded me given random numbers and the Sensei shouted - silence. A number was called, out. You made sure you used your senses and awareness and quite often we got punched.
Becoming fed up with bruises, and scars, I sought another way, a system to avoid the shock. Training then was great - 144 sit-ups and 100 press-ups; Also at school, weightlifting over 120 lb above my head. My weight was 8 and a half stone and my height was 5"5' age 13. Regarded as a loner as I stuck to myself, loved nature and had many hobbies, especially fishing. Determined to break out of my shell, I wanted to do better than the rest. A high goal for a shy person, but training was helping me along. Still I had that Michael Jackson hair style.L Oh Boy.
Kung Fu made me self contained and gave me confidence to defend myself but I was like a monk. I went to see 'Enter the dragon' and inspiration took over. That evening the bedroom became a Dojo. A tennis ball hung from the beam attached to a piece of fishing line.
The aim was to punch it in such a way that it would come back straight, focusing my punches and dodging, frustration built up as the ball detached itself from the cord. I made some nun chucks out of a thick broom handle, two-cup hooks, and a loo chain.
I practiced repeatedly for one hour every night before I went to bed, and 20 minutes before school. In Woolworth’s in 1974 I found a book on Jeet-Kun- Do by Bruce Lee. In it was the world for me and I still have that book today.
The book held wisdom is of Bruce Lee, which is written under the title, THE WISDOMS In this book. Wisdom’s which took me from being a shy pathetic dunce into a boy at 14 going on 15. with intent in life, now 9 stone and 5'5" with some strength, but always full of fun.
My friend Ian helped me, we were like brothers - we danced, got drunk and hung around together, mostly we trained in the back garden of his lovely bungalow in Lyme Regis, at the top of the hill, it was called Pixie's Halt. We worked together at the Regent Cinema in Lyme Regis. One of the first films that summer was Jaws. Over 26 times seen, and I still enjoy the film. I even worked a summer with Simon on the trampolines. Still bouncing now at 43, That gave me balance and kept me fit but this was the year before when my Father had a boat and I cycled around on a three-speed bicycle stuck in second gear. Up and down the hills of Lyme Regis. That gave strength in the legs. In addition, rowing around the harbour in Dads pram dingy put strength in my arms.
It was the last year at school and options were due, I put myself down for all the hard subjects, all sciences, because I loved science.
The teacher took me to see the headmaster, and I was told they wanted me to take special classes. I wanted to do photography but I was told that I had to take humanities instead.
Pushing hard as ever, never getting the right attention to the questions and answers I wanted, like simple rules on spelling, and other methods. They had the impression that because I was no good before, then I had no chance.
Soon became favoured in sports whereas before I had never taken part. Unofficially broke the school record in discus, and won 100 meters sprint. Confess nearly every one, however, I took the tactics off some Australian boy who ran with chin up and chest out. Power in my legs came from riding my sister’s bike, my legs were like iron. I soon got on well with nearly everybody some of the boarding students could not accept some one from the lower classes in to Basket ball etc. Bullies soon were beaten and soon became my friends.
Even after tripping accidentally, challenged the hardest lad, who was from Liverpool, at school. Nevertheless, it never came to anything although it did gain me some respect. Moreover, he could have pounded me. The fact was. I took a piece out of his way of fighting, and it won me some fights.
At this time, it was time to take options, English and mathematics not good, but I had an interest in marine life and photography.
Only to find, teachers held me back from doing photography. Later in life, a photographer I became. One day I was pulled into the headmaster’s office again - Oh boy, now what?
What have I done? A Prefect took me from the biology class to the heads' office. He called me in and asked me to take a seat. At first I expected a clout across the head as he reached over the desk to take my hand and shake them. "Well done Gary," he said, "You've past all your exams and your report is excellent." I only had grades 3 and 4 but boy I was chuffed as pie. Shame they did not let me take up photography.
Just before I left school, another prefect approached me to ask if I could stay on for another year for West Dorset's sports team. I made a big mistake of turning it down,  having the attitude of - Well I have done what I set out to do and I have proved myself. I often wonder where I would be now if I stayed on at school.
I left school with no one guiding me. Or that I was so obstinate I should have stayed on for further education, but I signed straight onto the dole and met a girl who pulled me away from my training. Fell in love for the first time. I found my first job, still working with Ian as an usher at the Regent cinema. Then her dad took me on in his electronics business and my parents moved to Bridport. After my farther was made redundant from many years in the grocery trade.  we lived in a maisonette that  went with the shop, we had to get out. That place is now a book shop. 11 broad street Lyme Regis. This move separated my girl friend from me, and we broke up. My first love, and it heart. for weeks.  
After this a friend Allen got me a job at beauty Blinds. A roller blind company, that stood in an old mill. The hole place inside was all old wood. after some time I decided to leave. Needed more money.
I went to get a job at Bridport Gundry's, from this I spent time in me spent in Bridport. Here I found some karate clubs. Once again I got a foot holding.  I only trained in two clubs in Bridport in Karate. Sadly it was not what I was looking for  Therefore, I could not use what I knew and could do. I was fine in free practice, but I found most arts too static, square and predictable. After reading the book that I cherished in learning what I had from the writings of  Buce Lee. gave me a total different out look on what a martial art should be. So at this point in my life, I fell back, Not having the tuition i was seeking. I lived a bit of a wild life as a biker for some time , well up to 1982. where I met friends. Oh boy a set back that was. However, I had friends.
Some good time and fun. Miss those days, Although I was living much in a fantasy world. The only stress I had was where money was coming from to run my Bike.
At this time I lived at 19 down street with my family, But soon to move back to a council house in Lyme Regis. where I then needed to get to and from work. I met this friend Stephen who was for some years like a brother. Wow years? 5 years and then that seemed a life time.
During a long winter. in 1979 we had deep snow drifts 15 feet high and the ice was packed on the roads for week.
Oh I forgot to mansion that at 17 purchased on HP a Gellira Trail moped 50cc Italian bike all in red, same as my friend had. it was fun and got me out and about. then I changed that for a Susuki Ts 125. Then by the time I was 20 I had a 250cc Yamaha DT mono shock. Trail bike. I passed my test After failing twice before as I had been court with my girlfriend Kate  doing two ups with out L plates. For those who do not know . L is for learner. Hmmm I had so many accidents on bikes. the police pleaded me to give up. It was when i took up photography did I then But a car. From my next door neighbour. A blue Vauxhall Viva. passed  first time and it was on the same date two yeas after from my bike test. 28th September 1292.
Ok back on track.
it was then that Stephern had asked me to stay at his place in Bridport, yes ok thanks, this would be safer for me. As riding my bike was a bit crazy, I was a bit in those days. had no fear. After work we walked up the high street, as we walked, i asked where? "up here turn left." Oh no its not 19 down street?  "why"? he asked. This place is haunted I replies.
I went through some strange times then, as I was into all sorts of wondering, due to having seen things, and found that the house that we lived in at 19 down street was haunted.
Thinking back on that old house, it must have been  17th century, and is now a condemned listed building. it is still blue in colour, with a big sand stone basement, It was cold and the walls were rounded.
In 1976, we lived there in temporary accommodation, strange things happened then as i was found by my farther sat up in my sleep having a full on conversation with No one. A lady was spotted walking passed the window going into the basement. My father was knocked into the wall by the bathroom as a mysterious no body ran down the stares and out through a locked door front door. can hear my dad now shouting "bloody Christ", "some one in the house". Something like that. But know one was there.
Later when Stephern and I chatted about the place. He told me of, some horrific stories about is dog going mad and died in the top room, that was by my old bed room. Some old biker was squatting in there now. And other things. Lets go down the pub. The Bull hotel this was. here I was introduced to many people who lived in the same house. previously to me and to my friends. They too had witnessed strange goings on.
Everyone who lived there felt it. I found the house was  inviting me to live there again.
However, going back to the house my friend lived in back in 1978- 81, 19 down street had become a biker’s doss house; I got caught up in this place as if it wanted me back. I felt that it had unsettled forces in it. I was to find my self being court up in some evil and unsettling things, like people playing with wegy boards, And bad stuff. I will not write about. So I fell out with the group. putting thing behind me. moving on. I came back home to live with my parents. Stephern got a woman pregnant and soon married  her. That was about the last time I saw him.
Fate:  My life changed again.
Years ago trying for the Navy and R.A.F, something I call fate said it was not for me. Fate is a funny thing. It is all about being laid back, and acting upon instinct. I purchased an S.L.R. Camera which amazed me with all its' knobs and springs. It cost me my week’s wage of £35. I was working at Gundry,s at the time.
I took up photography and found that Bill, who I spoke of before, from the sea scouts, used to be a photographer during the Second World War. He was quite high up in the photography world, A master and new photo chemistry inside and out, Yes then we used chemicals and a dark rooms. Real photography. Strange editing this book as I write, to look back on how much has changed, now I have all digital cameras. He showed me how to use my S.L.R. A Yashica J5 and how to develop black and white films. i loved that camera, with its clock work type mechanics. The way it wined and clicked and clonked.
 During my first week a second roll of film that I took. Shooting portraits of a Yong lady a friend the daughter friend of mine ,  Dare I say The police sergeants daughter on the Cobb at Lyme Regis, I sold my first picture. Developed and printed my self. Black and white.
So I had joined the Lyme bay photographic club. Also In those days it was the in thing to have C.B. Radio, life revolved around CB and fishing for me.
At that time I had then left Bridport Gundry. from redundancy through petty Union strikes that lost the company money. Did you know that the hang mans noose came from there. named the Bridpot dagger. so a few months off work and back to work with a new job at Lyme Regis engineering in Charmouth, until I was made redundant. Yes again, low orders and new management who thought they new it all. But with my time there as the other work staff gloated over glamour mags, My knows was stuck into photo mags, After the loss of my job. I then at this time  took time out studying photography by the fire of my parent’s house.
At this time in the summer advents changed my life around again.  I took a job at Lyme Leisure in 1982, As I loved fishing , with Peter stocking all  needed goodies a fisherman wants. He found my knowledge in the sea something he required in the shop to sell fishing tackle. So he gave me a job. I loved that job and retail was the best job I ever had. fishing most evening reading book and thinking of the stars. Trying to catch a bass, that  never did.  Used to go out in all weathers trying to catch the big one. No wonder my sisters called me fish brains. From this I took an interest in fresh water fishing too, was well into fly fishing by this time . Besides fly tying, winter month or break times were taken up, reading photo books.
I practiced and went out on location on every chance I had. When I went fishing my camera went with me.
My interest in photography and talent became known, through my achievement in winning every cup in the Lyme bay photo club.  Eek! I say . know one likes a smart ass. However, Then I took a phone call after placing some photographs of a wedding I had photographed, In the local paper. The editor and photographer from the Pulmans,  I was offered a studio space at Bell View in Axminster. This was and old building dating back some time early 1800s could and was opposite Axminster church. The place had been condemned as living premises, I worked hard to making it something cosy  for customers to feel relaxed, when I shot their portraits, I also left home at this time and moved into the studio. Not knowing at the time where to live, At 23 years of age, my time at home was growing thin. I kept upsetting the family and was not happy with life. I just wanted to take photographs. But more into this later, Sadly I ran into financial trouble.
These were times to look back on, as I had some good times then. Making a name and exploring the countryside and the coast with my cameras.
I forgot about martial arts, as I had a part time job in a  shop Lyme Leisure. I then met a girl on the CB, 6 weeks we got  engaged. soon after this we  broke up. The life I enjoyed was turned up side down, But my photography gave me support, The owner at the shop; Peter was a faithful friend who gave footing, experience, and confidence with the public and gave me wisdom too. He is still one character to know. Owe him a lot.
During this time I had opened tha studio in Axminster and soon took a part time job in a holiday camp as camp photographer.
Finding myself with  people  who practiced Kung Fu, we sparred during our spare time, and I was never beaten. Hard to pin down, although they were much bigger then my self.
It was fun by the pool meeting girls, It was these guys that lead me into Scuba diving that at the time I tried and loved, but never took up properly as I felt it was to expensive.
Then Brian Jacks the Judo expert held a seminar. Remember him? he was the top man to win supper stars, You know, That TV game where they took the strongest and toughest men to under go tasks, to prove how good they really are. I was pushed to take part against his partner, I did quite well, I took him down twice then bang, and I was floored time after time. That too was good fun.
Here I met young girl who again we both fell in love, but in later years with much regret it was not meant to be. one other who I asked to be my wife, as she and I had been good friends for some time, To late, she had already got engaged to a guy not unlike my self. we Still keep in touch to this day. Funny how I land up photographing my ex girl friends weddings, Something is just not right here.
Later, once again I had my difficulties of jealous people and trouble with the photographer, to whom I was working for, and not to say some people full of arrogant feelings that hated me, as my studio started to flourish. They were trying to cause trouble, and spreading tales to try to lose the business.
As always the negative hates the positive. Nevertheless, they are trapped in their folly. 
    Part of my passed I tried to forget.                                     

Axminster is a strange but friendly town. Never thought that years later I would move back to Axminster, as this was another turn in my life, as this little studio took me over, As mentioned before.
I was invited by another photographer to use it. Cheap rent, only £24.00 a week. This was in 1982-86
Fate took me through another stage. Events at home, made me move out from Lyme Regis and into my studio not knowing where to go or how to rent. I had no money but an old car and my camera equipment. Started to do the place up and make my own living.
I slept in the servant’s room, which was at the back of the building. At that time things were pretty rough. Only an old heater to keep me warm, so I painted the place to make it warmer and opened up the fireplace. Funny because I should have got the chimney inspected,
In the summer tiny birds used to fall down the chimney. One time I came home to the studio only to find droppings around the picture rail. Eek what could this be! I looked and kept quiet to hear anything, and just as I moved a picture on the window sill a shriek, Yikes it was the biggest bat I had ever seen. After seeing them on the TV , this was a mean looking thing. to see it so close with such graphic detail.
It was hard to find money for coal and wood. I felt quite out on a limb with no money to buy food, but I had my independence. Using a Belling cooker that Peter lent me. I could of driven back to my parent’s house for dinner, but I had to get through this on my own.
Then came the customer's strangers, instead of coming for photographs, they would just come to chat about problems and things. I met some nice people and made some friends.
I was given  some tarot cards that i had allot of fun with, but wow how close to the truth i found them, well people got to know, i did many readings, some how at the time  i wonder if this was another influence on my life, but not good as they reflected  negativity into my life. then strange things started to happen. Axminster is full of strange mysterious spooky places. its a place that really needs looking into. 

one night i awoke with an electric glow over me, translucent blue and cold. I could not move nor scream, I prayed like anything, it was silent and even my voice I could not hear or make it felt like my breath was being sucked out of me, and a great pressure down upon my shoulders I felt fear until I prayed, Suddenly release the presence of what ever went away.
This happened twice. After analyzing the room and what had I to eat. I was not dreaming, and felt concerned. Plenty of air as the door was old and big gaps under the door. In addition, two air vents at the head of the bed in the wall. I hastily went back over what I had ate that night, Also all the possibilities that may have triggered this strange experience to take place.
I turned my bed around thinking that could be affecting my sleep, as I found from some friends, that the way you sleep to the pole of the Earth could have an effect on you.
Then one night, the same event reoccurred. I prayed like I never prayed before to live, as this was taking my life. After feeling fear and praying so hard, I felt this threat of wanting me, I screamed and screamed for help up stairs, no sound was coming out. and just as I was about to give up! Relief, so I got out of bed at least I thought I had only to find when I looked back I was still in bed, "Jesus Christ! I have too much to do"! I screamed in my head, I shook, my eyes opened, and I was back in myself. A feeling like a vacuum sucking my self back in to my self, It was weird and scary. At that point I took everything out of that room and slept I the conservatory.
Only years later I found out why, and that I will tell you later.
During a time of great financial hard ship, I prayed again for help this time in Feb, just making a cup of coffee at that time when snow was on the ground and bitter cold, A ring on the door bell. a wonderful lady, Irish, and a vegan vegetarian she told me came to me for a job. I told here that at that time in Feb I could not pay here She replied she would be happy with just something to do. With here jet back hair brown eyes and rosy cheeks and black over coat, I called snow white. I was 2 years behind in accounts, was in a right mess.
That lady did those accounts and sorted out so many problems for me. She lent me her access card and I paid it back. However, up to this day she still has never asked for a penny or would except any money from me. Oddly, asking her to put a wedding album in that little room. As she went in there, she came out franticly saying, "I don’t like that room it feels like some one is in there with you. It’s creepy" you see? But this is not all, just wait and read on………………
Later when I moved back to Axminster in the year 2000. We met again here she asked if I could clear a load of rubbish. Insisting on paying my I stood my ground and refused, Now I can return that favor.
Time past and strange things were still going on in my life. I was stressed and fell ill. At the same time going through relationships, finding it hard as I was just far too sensitive.
Heartbreak and falling in love was just driving me to the edge with all the stress of the business. Then I had a thought. As from the age of nine I had found a copper rusty looking ball on Monmouth beach.
It was not rust as I tried to cut it and used a diamond drill but it could not be cut, had the weight of lead, and resembled a badly made golf ball. Where ever I went I had this thing with me, or close by.
Now you probably found past events bizarre but this? For some reason, I looked at it as it was on the mantle piece. A thought went through me? ! Why is it I keep having bad luck and seeing into other people’s futures, but not my own? I had only weeks before I wanted to finish every thing, but a voice in my head said I was here to help others that gave me a real grasp on life.
I took that ball and threw it as hard as I could into the woods below. As soon as it happened, this was during a heat wave in May, a clap of thunder and lightening bolt came from where I threw it. Black clouds appeared. I ran upstairs to my neighbor "Liz, Liz did you see that?" She had, and I told here what I did. Bizarre, And freaky Later years they built Tesco stores on that spot.
After that event life started to get better.
Two or three years past, I was doing window cleaning, furniture remover, as part time work to make ends meet. Still doing photography. By this time I had a name for myself in some top magazines like Heritage where a local writer had used my photography in an article on the Witchcraft around Axminster. Newspapers and competitions and so I took an N.Y.I. Course in photography.
The year after, life turned bitter again advents were not so good, due to having to do more part time work. So I took a job in a meat factory where I made enemies and friends, A total different life style and from my background.
I was not liked for who I was. One butcher who I made a friends with noticed the size of my arms and asked if I had done any martial Arts. He introduced me to the Chard and Ilminster Karate club Sho-To-Kan. I joined, as it was something I used to do. I was invited to take part and loved it., and so made more friends a trained with a girlfriend Sue. Who sadly is no longer with us.  The club found my ways unorthodox and very free in movement, However this although I double graded .
Tell you more to that later.
This was not what they wanted. I found it a bit static and to repetitive, But still admire the style. Then when working at the butchery in Chard, I had my camera RB 67 stolen, only to find it was the people I new I purchased a car from them in later years, my Probe Funny again they did me a favour as I was well insured and told them that. Ha that went down well What goes out comes back and so they now are no longer.
After my dear friend Lew Playing practical jokes on me leading me to belive that the undertakers had purchased my flat Studio. And was going to evict me out, That soon become almost true. Collards were selling up.
Then in 1988 came the crunch of losing the premises. Having to vacate the studio premises in six months, I moved to Seaton in a nice large flat in town by the Sea. Nevertheless, as always, I kept up my martial arts.
Karate lacked that freestyle fluent approach. I graded two belts on the first grading and found myself no match for any one below purple belt, and so sparred mostly against brown and black belts.
It was sad that, I found my teacher lost face when I kept hitting him, as I was so quick then he lost his cool and gave me a black eye. So goes self-control and I told him that, and never went back again.
Then the club fell through for reasons into which I would rather not go, but just before this happened, I found a Ju-jitsu club under Spirit Combat. I was shown all of the things I knew and I could add to.
The club did so much it was just what I was looking for. I followed this training and became Uki, worked my way up to brown belt, pressed on and worked hard. Looking for perfection, I joined a Chard club, Sufi centre, which I found quite unorthodox my self as it was a bit strange what went on there.  finding some experts in Tai-Kwan-do and street fighters who helped me to perfect my moves.
One was a 4th Dan in Tai Kwon Do but spent 7 years in Japan. He new his stuff and kicked ass, with a lightning back spin kick, My moves and Aikido with what I new interested him, so he pulled me apart and got me doing techniques that worked.
As for the Spirit combat club, that to was facing trouble in Lyme Regis , I could not let this go. So with my intuition when asked, I soon took over the clubs from my Senci. I have been to many other clubs and have come out unscathed except for kickboxing and the arts, which really have too many rules. Aikido I have found was great for perfection as this was a spin-off of Aki-Jitsu. Should I say came from Ju-Jitsu but now is a pure form in its self as Known as the Martial art of Love.  Going round in circles all night got to my head a bit. 

Now I am on the bottom of the ladder mixed with the experts and people who have spent years of practice, at the time of starting this book, It was when at the age of 34, with a wealth of knowledge, which I pass onto my students and people who want to understand the truth. I have written this for you to share with me.Also looking for the right candidate who will follow and continue the teaching when I move on.
This is martial arts, and many other books should be read (some of which have been listed in this book) to accompany this one.
I have met many martial artists, Ju-jitsu, Aikido, Karate, Kempo, Tai Kwan Do and Kung Fu. My methods have been tested and techniques tried out.
One day I shall write further into moves and to help, a video will be made of the many moves that can be done from the basics. There are so many out there that are so much better. If only I had the time to do more.
I will state I am not a fighter as you would be in competition, or to say that everything I do is right. As it is right for me and I found my way. I am an instructor and what I have written here is as a guide only.
From the philosophy in the back of this book I have succeeded in reaching most of my  goals. Seven years full time photographer (now part time) with many articles in magazines and papers. Now Scuba diver and moving to instructor.
Martial art training has given me that black belt; I have also gained first & second Dan. I am also a fully qualified instructor in Spirit Combat Ju-jitsu and Traditional Ju-jitsu. The MAAS I have achieved these goals, where do I go from here one asks. 
As the title of the book states, the infinite way, never ending, always learning. I follow martial arts and time being the best way I know how. Gaining and sharing knowledge, passing knowledge on.
I followed a very wise man that gave me the field to practice safely and under authorisation with what I know today. Gaining experience to share amongst ourselves and learning from each other. Kancho Dosset now Soke of Spirit Combat International, founder of the MAA and now MAAS this year 2004 he will retire, This man a father to more than just his children and Grand children,
To us all, a well outspoken martial artist put a roof over my head protecting me and my students from all the acid rain that falls and dissolves many today 23 July 1994 I attended a weeks training. Still feeling that I was worthy of myself after starting to write this book, be egotistical  on my out look in life. Now I find I have many faults, and am far from good. I will not use the word perfect, because it does not exist. I was given a mirror of people in the organisation with which I shared a week in a small community. Training in Bogner Regis.  In a group session,  my faults were shown to me, I realised my life does not exist in myself, and it does not exist in and around my hometown in Devon. There is a big world out there and many that are better, smarter. And can give much to many for us to share.
Wherever I go, I must walk with the many. We are all in this together. For those with whom I trained that week, I thank you for ironing me out. We are not perfect and never will be, but we can strive to better ourselves. Everyone is different, but we all must act ourselves to get on in the weird and confused world in which we live.
By bettering ourselves and living for others, may be then, hopefully the world will be a better place for all of us. As we climb the mountain of success, we can only reach down to pull up those who lag behind, because they cannot find the right footing. If they choose to fall, we cannot turn back to help them, but only go forward, look up, and keep climbing. When we get to the top, we come back down and climb another, or help those to do the same.
Years Later I have become wiser then ever and have met many people. And still now wisdom is infinite. With out being to self righteous about what I write here, we all stat at the bottom of the ladder. Some find the climb hard  to do. Some fly to the top and stay.
 After taking my first Dan with the B.J.J.A.G.B. The British Ju-Jitsu federation. I felt quite honoured to be graded by 1993s Olympic world champion Paul Davis. To say, it was hard, as I was put through my paces to see what I was made of. 2nd Dan SCI Even then I did not get the grade I was aiming for. Trouble is, travel as driving, and long trips, kill me, Due to a whip  lash I had from car accidents. So I never perform as well when I go away. Every one had a great time on camp, and those who were with me I made sure they had a great time too. Every time I take or participate in a lesson. I learn from it. After 3 years I went back to take my third Dan,
Taking my 3rd dan
If it was not for this book, I started writing, I would never have past, as through knowledge in understanding martial arts what I read and have written here, worked! Instead of a grading like I expected. As I was one of the ones that found it hard to do the the sit ups. My stamina at the time was not 100%  in such heat that day in its 90s I guess I was under scrutiny, and was to be put through my paces yet again.  I remember being taken aside in that Holiday camp, with everyone on looking. Not just fellow students, But also the jeneral public. 

I could see Soke in the back ground looking at me talking to one of the 7th Dans. He 7th Dan came over and asked me to stand in horse stance. He struck me in the stomach 5 times with a full karate punch, This man demos breaking bricks. Oh My god. My mind reacted instantly to what I learnt about Ki Ai. it worked. Then he said Ime going to kick your legs now. And Wam Wam Wam! 5 times on my legs, I pushed in to meet is strike. Now give me Press ups. Like I never pulled before, down I went. 30 clapping my hand in between each one. The again on my Knuckles, And again on my fingers, This time I had to lift one finger each time, starting from the little finger and working in. I did it. But then to have to get up again and take more punches. Blackness started to cloud round, All I could see was this tunnel vision as my blood boiled in the heat, my mouth dry. I collapsed to one knee. Then all I could see through my tunnel vision, was the Senci talking to soke in the distance, shaking his head. Thoughts like lightning went through my head, " I'm going to fail". I breathed in deep, Pulled all my inner strength, and shouted." COME ON, LETS DO THIS , GO FOR IT"  COME ON!" The Senci walked back over and then I took 5 heavy kicks to the gut again. each time I gave ki ai  just right, The Senci grind and asked me to do some more press ups, "Almost there" he said. However, this time one arm press  ups, punching into the ground each time.

Well I got through it. I asked why I was put through such a strange grading. I was told, It was because I was one of the softest ones. And if some one in the street hit me hard, and I went down, I would not last and be worthy to hold a black belt. I can now wear that belt with pride. knowing  I earned it that day. And any one who says belts get given away, This one certainly did not.  Later I met other martial arts practitioners, and they found and shared my ways and thank you all to those who gave me what I know to day. That evening I went out dancing and had the week end of my life, After the talk from the last time, I gave my room mates a good time too. Met many girls had lots of fun, Most off all I became a person.  By By god was I bruised the next day and had a walk like I had ridden a horse for a month.
I admit, that living here in Devon, Its a bit of a recluse, as you can easily become a hermit and lose track of what the real world is all about. The kids in the Cities are faster thinking and harder. more street wise then we are in the south.
At the time I was working at the Grove nightclub at Seaton in Devon. I was introduced to the book The Tao of Jeet Kun Do. A friend said I should read this as it was written by Bruce Lee. Moreover, what I have written in this book was like a condensed version.
Well that to I will recommend reading. It has got to be one of the best books I have ever read on fighting.
You are the wheel of life Centre is strong, centre of universal force. Further out becomes faster. Use it, understand it, it is what comes in gets thrown all around us! Out. TAOIST METHOD
Let us take a break now and look at some of the surrounding influences and science on Martial Arts and how it relates to life
6  ZEN

The start: - Once a monk called Bodhidarma introduced the Buddhist religion from India to China in c.520 AD. This was called Zen/Buddhism.
The objective was to find sudden enlightenment. Buddhist monks had to protect themselves from bandits. In the 6th century in a Shaolin temple, Shaolin temple boxing came to be, but the fighting skill existed long before this time.
Dynasties of past oriental lines: - NAKA 710-794 HEAM 794-1185 KAMAKRA 1185-1336 MUROMACHI 1336-1573AZUCH-MOMOYAMA 1573-1603SENGOKU1482-1558 AZUCHI-MOMOYAMA 1573-1615 EDO (TOKUGAWA) 1615- 1867
 Zen many books can be found on the subject. some say I am one  So often from the effects of modern life do I forget this.
I guess that that is what this book is all about if you like to take it in that view.Zen being one with one self and the universe, The Universal forces and Nature. We are star dust, made from the same stuff that  we eat, breath, drink, taste, touch and see.Every element that surrounds us, down to the last atom.
A bit like Star wars, having the Force! That's Zen. Once you find Zen, Then you are one with all.
Zen can be found through meditation and prayer, Through just pure concentration. From this can come much power Not just Ki energy, but mind power that drives that ki. Also it calls on other forces that can guide us, like all forces, yin and yang, it has its opposite. Some people explore Zen in strange ways, like trying to become one with an object like a chair.
 Mostly through meditation and study can Zen be really understood.
History and many lost writings have led to a very hit and miss system on how martial arts really did come to what it is today. A book is available called "Martial arts - a complete illustrated history." and is well worth reading. 





The important part of the body is your centre point and it is used in all forms. Without this your body will be unbalanced. Control it; understand how it works and how to use it. It exists 2" below the navel and approximately 1" in and it is the place where chi is developed, your internal strength. Your flow of power and energy used as in tai chi or aikido is chi or ki. Combine this with the Taoist method of breathing then with time and focus from your mind the body can become incredibly strong. Mind works body - body does not work mind. Move with no effort, correct posture, harmonize all with this technique.

reathe from the Dan tien do not force the muscles stand in relaxed posture or in seiza or cross legged position - back up straight
1. Start by breathing, relaxed back, in heal through the nose. Bringing in the Dan tien (stomach muscles below the navel) and flow into:-
2. 2. Open your mouth and breathe out naturally relaxing the body and allowing the shoulders to fall.
3. 3. Imagine your weight passing into the ground. Flow back to step 1 and continue for 20 minutes minimum.
When in use for movement, breathe out on push and breathe in on relaxed mode-pull. When you fall, push, punch or throw inhale before exhale on move. Think! Your mind to where you are going; but extend. Put your mind further than your partner
Deep breathing exercises also help to vibrate internal organs and by these becoming stimulated then you come into a natural healthy state.
It is essential that the warm up be religiously done before any exerted limb movement is done.
(What is meant by this is the stretching of limbs to reach limits of which you are normally incapable).
Stretching is done gradually and at a slow pace, a little each day. Unfortunately, you cannot warm up before an attack because many attacks happen when you least expect them.
Like a cat when it awakes, it merely naturally stretches--this is o.k. Most humans do this too when they awaken which helps to loosen the joints, fills the lungs with air and circulates energy throughout the body and joints. The warm up may consist of a brisk walk, walking on the spot so as to build up respiration, stamina and circulation. This may take 5 minutes including press-ups, sit-ups and progressing onto star jumps. Dancing exercise is fantastic for this as it produces agility, fitness, co-ordination, stamina, breath control and a good sense of artistic poise for Kata. Stretching is also done naturally but for full effectiveness then isometric exercise is essential to avoid injury in any way both before and after all exercises. Not only will you become supple and fitter but everyday life will be less stressed. A good workout in a free form Kata or dance can reveal a lot of emotion; you should project your emotion.



It was written that superb swordsmen, especially those who meditated alone 

in the mountains, could give vent to a yell that could bring flying birds out of the sky or immobilize a foe. Truly whilst parrying I have been stopped by the yell which was given.
KIAI is not used to strike fear into an opponent. The meaning of Kiai: - The first character Ki is the symbol for spirit, mind, energy, force. The second character ai is the symbol for         coming together. 
The coming together of mind? What could this mean? Kiai is applied at focal points of Kata. It occurs as great power, is put into a movement using the muscles of the body, especially the diaphragm. The diaphragm contracts strongly and air is forced out of the lungs by this contraction and a loud shout is made.
The shout itself is not the object of the exercise. Most westerners understand this. The bang of a gun is the result of the explosion and the explosion is a means of transforming energy from one form to another. We do not fire a gun to make a bang. We muster Kiai to make a shout, the shout is the product of Kiai and this is a central truth. The Kiai then is a moment of great focus of body and mind. "KIAI" as applied in all of the Japanese martial arts, and especially in sword ways, where a split instant, much too fast for the normal understanding of brain command to nerve impulse to reaction, could mean infinity.
If "Kamae" is "readiness" when the mind is like the moon, shining calmly on all then Kiai is a convergent layer of awareness and action.


In Tai Chi the sounds of Hing and Har are made when breathing. Hing on inhalation and Har on exhalation. These sounds used to be a Chinese secret to produce super power and is said to improve health and also reduce the ageing process. Each sound vibrates and stimulates the internal organs.
Kata starts with the mind open. Shrieks of sound in battles on film and T.V. are only shouting.
Best defence against a blow: - Is to avoid it, parry it or block it. Sometimes you cannot avoid it so you must meet it. It takes years of practice to be able to take such a blow. On impact the surface should be relaxed and as the punch penetrates then you should tense up. This absorbs the power of the punch. Of course, the best defence is not to be there in the first place.
The Japanese character    "sen"      means ahead or before. The character       "sei"      has the essence of many meanings: life, birth, pure, genuine, raw. If the two are put together then they form the word "SENSEI" which is poorly translated as teacher. Yet this is the title given to teachers and to those people who demand great respect.
Sen :


Hand movements are in circular patterns. You may think "oh! I can do that, easy no problem, but putting it into practice and the experience I have found teaching others is that the majority of people cannot walk properly yet alone do complicated manoeuvres.
Moving is not just moving - it is being in control of each part of you, knowing how each part moves, how each part reacts under pressure and balance. To move in harmony is being like a snake through grass, fish through a coral reef, and an eagle in the air.
The body must be balanced and relaxed. The hands must follow a path. Your mind must have imagination to imagine yourself gliding your hands through water. In fact, the best practice for this is to stand in a swimming pool and rotate your hands so you feel hardly any resistance.
1. Painting the wall.
2. Cleaning the window.
3. Stroking the horse.
4. Snaking the arms.
5. Paining the hands. What I mean by snaking the arms is what it says. Plaining OR SNAKING the hands is imagining your hands are the wings of a plane. Or the path of a snake.
Combine the two and this becomes a fantastic way of evading holds. Moving in and out of them


Before I started to re read my own research, I have been telling many people over the years from the time I read about what is written below that there was 12 tri grams making up of the 24. Here I question myself into asking? I should have read this before and studied this closer but why in my mind have I preached 12 and 24. When here they speak of 8. Yet I wrote some of the text below.
And so this goes on. Most forms of Yin Yang are foundation of Tai Chi (Grand Ultimate). The basics of learning are to return to the original state of the universe. The closer you get to understanding this (The beginning balance of life) the more one will complete himself. Thus good martial arts exponents and Tai Chi practitioners combine this in practicing the skill of martial arts. Kung Fu translated means Perfected Technique. To go into more depth of understanding of Tai Chi is the understanding of the eight tri grams, Yin being two dashed lines - - and Yang being a single dashed line --- . These lines can then be arranged into

groups of three :

Or Six 

 Traditionally, the tri grams - of which there are eight - are attributed to Fu Asia around the years 2852-2738 BC. Later King when he combined the tri grams into hexagrams - of which there are sixty four. Because Yin and Yang are fundamental principles, the eight tri grams and sixty four hexagrams can be used to understand the mysteries of nature. These representations of Yin and Yang can then be used to predict everything from the birth of a child to the fate of a nation. From the eight tri grams Tai Chi Chuan evolved its basic martial strategies. First, by looking at the arrangement of original tri grams two systems can be separated (see following diagram) the tri grams which are perpendicular to the centre and those which are diagonal to the centre. For easier reference these positions can be represented by the poles N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W,NW.




The early Tai Chi practitioners then believed that the eight trigrams represented all the basic directions to which a martial artist could move during a fight. To ward off is composed of three yang lines. This technique in Tai Chi contains extreme energy and is used with explosive power, which if you remember the Taoist method of breathing, is combined in each explosion.
This requires exhalation to bring out the full power. On the other hand the roll back contains three Yin lines. This is purely defensive and you must inhale. It absorbs rather than attacks. A technique such as a push is a mixture of offensive and defensive. Offensive is the dominant because of two Yang = lines to one _ Yin line.
                                                                                                                                                                               Ward Off                 
                                              Elbow Strike                                              Pluck 



                              PUSH                                                                                 Press


Rend               Roll                   Shoulder stroke

They correspond to Advance, Retreat, and Dodge and beware of the left, Dodge and beware of the right, and holding the centre. Taking these elements they become the 13 postures of Tai Chi.
One other thing I must mention is if you wish to become the best in your art and a fighter, then you must do aerobic exercise.
This is most important to maintain your Stamina and Fitness. Other aspects to consider are lifestyle, diet, right foods, less fats, etc.
 Many books are written on the subject or again ask your Sensei. Motivation and a lot of get up and go are required - along with self-discipline.



Rule, do not practice on people who are not practitioners themselves.


The power of the centre line of the body once mastered is quite immense. One must remember: - Balance by keeping knees slightly bent or bent more when the stance is lower or wider. The spine should be kept straight and in line with your ankles. Your head should be erect and upright. You should have shoulders lowered, a calm mind and a relaxed body and soul.
Movement of the hands should be guided through the Hara and forced out with Ki energy when pushing. The hand should be like a knife cutting, the arm bent at approximately elbow level with the side of your body (not leaning out but relaxed and comfortable). Put your hand thumb against chest and measure, by using the other hand, 4 hands distance by putting the other hand in front and so on.
The fourth hand is where your hand should rest. Experiment by keeping your arm firm but not using strength. Hold your hand in place, lean forward a little and push or get someone to push your hand towards you. Now extend and push---feel how much energy is needed. Then bring your hand to two hands distance away and feel the loss of power. The first 4 hands are your energy line around your body.
 From that point to your Hara is where you will find inner power. Extend thought through all movements and through the hand movement from the third hand to the fourth with Ki energy. As you move you should be able to push someone easily without effort and for a fair distance using breathing techniques. See pictures for help. remember to relax and do not tense.

16. FEAR?
So many times I have taken on new students and even the older ones from other arts they have found a fear of some kind. The most common of all fears is facing and acting something you have not done before.
Fear is something that the mind does not understand, and has not encountered before, that your mind can not relate to or find an alternative explanation. It is something people regard as failure and any other uncomfortable feeling usually related to a bad experience in the past.
You must overcome these fears---to do this you must overcome yourself. To do this you must put out all thoughts and focus your mind and imagine something you have always wanted to do, or be totally relaxed and just let it happen.
Most people find themselves doing really crazy things when drunk or happy or really angry. People say they cannot do things but once completed they wonder why they hadn't done those things before. The reason for this is that the mind is relaxed or focused on something else and the feared subject is a subconscious reflex action, very much like how martial arts should always be.
First we must overcome ourselves then face the problem and think that nothing can ever harm or hurt us. It's just a game. Think of pleasantly relaxing things and the state of your body and mind will become relaxed. It is an act you must put yourself in to check your adrenaline.
It's like standing on a high diving board, the pool looks smaller but you know how big it actually is. Instead of turning back, relax and off you go. No return, and after you hit the water and come up then looking back it wasn't that bad.
This also applies to being thrown, falling, or going up against someone better or doing something you've never done. Remember! Don't knock it until you've tried it. Life is too short to miss out on the things that other people can do. If you want something then go for it. .

 17. STRESS!

That all to well-known unwanted word that every one hates and cannot avoid.
Stress as in the same meaning as stress in a piece of steel no matter how strong it is made if it is out under pressure more than what it should. At one point it will break.
In fighting tactics stress can be used to off put balance and confuse your opponent in such a way that he will lose concentration will get angered and then lose is guard.
Stress is also that tap the point to release self-contained energy and if controlled can be used to great advantage. It’s what builds up adrenalin and pumps energy to our muscles making our brains senses alert and sharper?
In every day life and in battle A little stress for that reason is good for us. It’s what keeps us ticking. When over loaded can have devastating results.
Confusion headaches dizziness and even change of attitude loss of appetite sweating bad heart rhythm and eventually death.
In the animal kingdom and us, stress can kill and go UN noticed that stress was the cause, so stress awareness in the home and at work should never be taken lightly.
Its one of the main causes of heart disease. In businessmen.
The reason marriage break ups.
In school children to the hardest man. Stress can change you for the worse if left unnoticed. Often caused by some one who is also stressed finds the problem and not liking it rids him self and passes it on. Unloading stress on to others is one way to lesson stress and this method should only be used in business when you have so much work that you can unload it onto others that are able to take the loading. Otherwise I think it’s a coward’s way out.
So to avoid stress you need to remove the stressor. Or talk the matter over in a group to dilute the stress. The stress can be brought on by anxiety through a person unloading a stressful problem and the person who takes it on is unable to approach that person as the person is either to arrogant to care or just too bloody minded and should not be doing his job in the first place. Every move to tackle this parasite stress should explain to both parties. Whether it is an event in work a strategy or even a game. Take Scuba diving for a good example off stress like I said in fear. Some times we are under control by others without our selves knowing about it. Like the rat race we live in standing waiting for a bus and just before it comes a group of people not giving a blind bit of notice for others gets in your way before you know it, you're swept along with them and missed your bus.
This often happens in many ways but I will not give so many examples except for diving in scuba.
Often on a nice day. And you’re on holiday. You have been putting your equipment together every thing is fine. You get on the boat and off you go. The sea is calm and the crew is all having a joke. The briefing was clear but something has been bugging you.
You’re diving with all sorts of people that you have never met. They don’t speak a word that you understand. Moreover, this dive you want to get some pictures but every one wants to just jump in swim like heal and all will be over.
You’ve just spent a fortune on a camera and wanted an opportunity to get some good photos. No one notices this but a nod and a smile as to say nice camera. However, deep inside your self that demon stress is building like a volcano.
At the same time during the dive you see something that interests you, but stress builds up even more as the dive group leads on and you're afraid of being left behind. So you sigh and become fed up and in doing so breath heavy and to top it all being a good diver you get low on air. So now you become embarrassed as the next time you dive. They put you on a less interesting sight with divers who use more air.
Holiday ruined.
Now you can see that such a simple thing can build up into so much. So as you read this book remember all that not only affects you but others.
Stress is built from negativity. Unawareness being forced to do something you is not happy with and often leads to accidents. Quite often embarrassment not being able to adjust or solve a problem unable to communicate afraid of what others might think or say or even not feeling well can Rolla ball into tragedy
Remember if you’re a teacher a manager or anywhere like an advent like and accident argument or even a day out shopping with the family.
THINK STRESS MANAGEMENT! How will my actions affect others and how will this affect me. Are others OK Tactfully thinking and talking the problem over could save the day?

So what about the diver?
Myself-being a dive leader. The diver should have been put with some one either another dive leader or a diver that does not mind holing back and knows the sight brief them so they know the way back and tell them take your time to take photos but be aware of time and dangers. Take a surface marker buoy so we know where you are when the group retunes. How nice that is. The stressor has been removed.


Belts are only for grading. Like an exam to show the level of a persons ability in set moves for a particular style.
 It does not mean that you are good, invincible, dangerous or a good teacher. Some people go through life not even gaining one grade but they could be one of the best martial artists around.
Black belt means you've spent a lot of time training and put yourself out to grade, that is to prove what you know and you can come up with the goods. To fight or even just show your skills and be judged. Many black belts can be all the same Dan grade but the ability for each individual is all different. At the time of writing this book I hold 2nd Dan S.C.I. and 1st Dan B.J.J.A.G.B. I am no fighter;
I fight with my mind not just my body. There are many coloured belts who are better fighters than me but they all seek knowledge. Black belts never put to practice this knowledge that they find.
They will come to rest, give up or never question what makes a master or an expert. I am no expert. We can only perfect what we know, the more we know the more we can perfect. This is Kung Fu. Kung Fu Chinese martial arts never had grades until it came to the West. Aikido, Ju-jitsu or Kung Fu went from white to black and from black to white. Now we have white, colours, black, Dan grades, red and white gold. Your grade is what you want it to be or just do your best at all times.


Once, training was conducted through Kata. Kata helps develop attitude. You should not modify a technique or this could cost you a let down in your art form. Destroy its beauty,  But the technique can be adapted to suit the moment. Especially when it comes to self defense You may end up producing unreliable ways.
When Samurai fought they went into battle with the belief that they were already dead. This way they had no fear of losing and won. The Samurai's death was an adversary's death or mutual slaying.
Fighting against an equally skilled adversary implied a two-thirds chance of dying. Consistent technique seemed the best shield against such long odds. Today they have lost their relevance, the conditions of war have changed. Today we have adapted our way of combat to everyday life to cope with actual experiences: - Attempted muggings, assaults and police work. For us  who practice the art (Ju -Jitsu) killing is just not heard of unless we are at war.
Even though it may be the main intention of your adversary, the main objective is to stop and immobilise him to prevent further attacks. Not many of us these days have the time to study and practice the skills which warriors in the Samurai days did.
Most modern practices last between one and two hours, meeting two to three times per week.
This is usually the only time that students can train under supervision of a qualified instructor. Once or twice a week is not enough, you should train in your own time at home or in break times. The moves shown to you in the Dojo should be practiced for ten minutes in the morning and evening.
Ju- Jitsu must become a part of your life. Train yourself mentally as well as physically, use your imagination. You may hear stories of real life attacks at work or read them in the newspapers, use this as a basis of an attack on you and imagine how you would deal with it.
Experiment with what your teacher tells you and shows you; try them from different angles, left and right. Keep in mind that all moves should be applied with a serious attitude.


As the Tori, put yourself in the midst of an actual defender.
This may sound obvious but with the emotions and reflected surroundings this is a lot harder to overcome. Remember to defend with purpose and intent. To avoid anticipating an attack and being foiled try to remain calm at all times. Take in your surroundings (Awareness) and control your emotions. This controlled state is perhaps the most important part of practice and the most difficult skill to obtain.
To react effectively you must be able to control fury for an instant. Explode! Then return to calm. Switch on - Switch off. There may be more than one attacker so your mind must be calm to anticipate the next attack.
Uncontrolled emotion leads to tunnel vision. This is why some ring fighters lose when confronted with real street situations. Remember to take into consideration your partners safety - we all have to go to school or work the next day.
Pain in the dojo is our only enemy when practising Ju-Jitsu Combat or Sport Combat. Tori should use a pace of approximately one quarter real life speed. As the defender you determine the distance of attack. In class the attack is generally started from one step away. If in the street someone you regard as hostile steps towards you, you would either step back or you may have made an incorrect assumption. If this is the case then at least you can live with the fact that you are all right and it was not a black day of being knifed because you did not react.
Constant training like this and along with close to real life situations, will prepare you for when it does happen.
You are bound to be attacked and lose in the Dojo but even I of Dan grade will have moments of being killed, but you have to "die" to live for the future.



The Uke has the role of being honourable and yet positive and respectful. He reacts to instruction. Attitude of highest possible intent to prepare Tori mentally and physically to survive an actual street attack.
If Uke does not do this then Tori will gain a false outlook on what an attack is and when the attack happens in real life you are not truly prepared, so you wonder why you lost - if you live!
When beginning a technique, give and take, work in harmony with no resistance from Uke or Tori. Then as you gain confidence, speed up your technique.
Do not build up a false sense of skill.As the Uke, when attacking, you should forget yourself for an instant and be like an animal of great anger using the fist at one-quarter normal speed unless asked otherwise. You must maintain control. After you have accustomed yourself with the drills then you and your partner/s can attack the Tori at half speed and power.
A Uke must learn to react once the defender has begun his counterattack. If a counter punch is aimed at your head then simulate being struck. The Uke's role is one of no resistance.
On the street you cannot do a take down or apply a technique if your attacker has a lot of resistance so you must loosen up your attacker by taking his adrenaline away or moving his mind. Remember that no-one who attacks you will just stand still and allow you to make a load of moves on them. If you think that then think again. A real fight is finished in a few seconds.
Many students become discouraged when a technique works in class but doesn't seem to work on a friend. The techniques are not for play and are to be used in critical moments, when you are relaxed and your attacker is unaware of your moves.
If you are not prepared to hurt people, don't try it. Remember that someone who feels resistance will resist. Act upon a split-second decision.

Biography continuation

Before I go any further I found myself asking for guidance worked in the strangest of ways from influence of others and events that I avoided. Like jobs that was not suited to me.
Why did I stay in the butchery trade for so long, something kept me going? It was a test and ability to learn from others and to push me to finding my house giving me foundation. That got me my car then redundancy lead to destiny to find the right job I had been wishing for years to be a diving instructor dive leader and that came about in a strange way of fate even to the note book I am writing on now.
The tools and eventful happening that led me to be here in Crete writing and continuing this book.
Now remember that strange attack of energy I had?
Well this will open your eyes. In 1999 I was house hunting I never ever thought I would move back to Axminster but I did I felt like this was home for me and found my house. However, in the first weeks I had to go and look at my old place they were turning it into flats. Where I threw that meteorite, I think that’s what it must have been. I discovered they built Tosco’s on it. I spoke to the builders and asked if they ever had any mail with my name sent there.
"Your Gary Bridger the photographer" they asked yes and "we heard about you and what happened here" Oh boy I said why?
"Come and look at this" Oh my god I replied as I walked in I had that funny feeling and what a shock as behind those vents on the wall in that little room. Well the wall was no more. They had knocked down the wall and found another room.
Supposedly monks stayed there. Behind that wall is meant to be catacombs that lead under the church and have lead coffins sealed up during the black plague.
Now that explains allot. Any one wants to make a film here? May be Most haunted should investigate this one. I added this when editing this on 22/9/04 when at home suffering with a bad dose of the flue.
,Back to 1990  Also while at the factory, after telling my work mates, and them thinking me crazy. About all the crazy things, that for some dumb reason due to boredom of doing the same repetitive job day in day out. Not realising that what I was telling them was actually sinking in, they all thought me mad, and then  A program on sky TV came on about strange demons attacking people in there sleep.
Science has discovered that this has been reported for thousands of years same symptoms but different forms. Drawings of all sorts. They typically named it sleep paralysis. Now science is uncovering 11th dimensions and has video proof of much more.
Before I came here at child hood I was told that I was not bright enough. What is an IQ and how is anyone judged. These rules are old and should be thrown aside. How could any one not listen to a child when they have no boundary on imagination?
They are the children of tomorrow’s world and we should learn from them.
Remember children’s drawings of cars of the future and jet plains. Now look at what we have to day in car and plain design. I invented things only to be pushed aside and how often it came up in the shops one year later and one was even in tomorrow’s world I wish I kept it as I have forgotten what it was so simple to help others. No matter that was not my path.
Before I came to Crete I have known for a long time that I have a problem, one was being sensitive and the other was spelling. I found, after going to get professional help, that I was ok, and was told by clairvoyants and psychologists that I was stronger than most, as I was more aware of my own feelings by doing their job.
Hmmm I thought, I new that already but the Clairvoyants backed up my future and that has started to unfold.
Spelling, I found out I was dyslexic and it was called expressive dyslexia due to not able to express myself earlier on in life being told to hush all the time. Now through working with Peter at Lyme Leisure and a Holiday camp. Working in Wedding Photography and then leading as a Martial Arts Instructor I can express myself and teach others. But still cannot spell that well and some times when given a test or someone with whom I feel threatened does make or cause me to make a mistake. Nothing is worse than some Boss or teacher reprimanding you and breathing down your neck when you’re more than capable of doing what you know.
The good news was my IQ is 120 for my age. Average I wonder?
At this part I shall say this never give up on your self and try to understand that all that affects you. No matter how bizarre how bad or whatever. It happens for a reason. The fact is all what happened to me has happened to others and from communicating I found friends who share the same. Now my life has focus and what I have written below is no doubt true and will happen if you let it.
However I felt that I had everything, now I have a guide. Giving every thing up, going back to how I was at the studio, but in another county totally strange to me. I have had so much inspiration while I have been here in Crete. Thank you again to my friends at the Hard Rock Café. Everyone that has helped me, and talked about many things.

                                   23      CONCLUSION
Life is a fight for survival  
In the fight through life, we have to learn to fight. Life is like a fight, it’s the will that makes us win.  Effort thought mind-working body. Focus and self-control Awareness of your self and everything that surrounds you will some how influence your future. However, we in our minds, with self will, can change the change that separates us from the many that are just part of the rat race, and those who think and wonder are those who make a change to them selves and to others.
Take off the blinkers and let there be light. Life is like a pile of sand poured to its peek soon it reaches a point where it can no more make a mountain of sand, and starts to collapse. So to gain height it needs support and foundation and a constant supply of sand.
That, that runs smoothly runs down hill. All that seem good becomes bad like a flower and fruit it has to die to become something ells.
Nothing is forever this is the law of the universe. Therefore, what is must change or it turns stale and dies. Like some times to gain something we want we always have to sacrifice something to get it even without intention something will be lost before something is gained.
So like the athlete who train his body and mind sacrifices so much to win. Study, Work, Rest, relax and Play. Too much of one, will out way the other.
One must remember that life is what is and only can we change the way things are by taking another path or by influencing our surrounding reactions.

This is to say that we cannot change the world, as the world is forever changing. Nevertheless, like nature itself will find a way. Man has to change and stop and look at him self. And stop coveting others.

A cut vain will heal and the blood will find another path.

A blocked stream will over flow as we do with anger when obstacles get in our way but like the stream will soon find another way to its goal. So like the stream we must cut our way and find our goal, or reason to our aim.

We will never be perfect, as we are only human and some times we must listen to our soul and free our spirit as often anger and stress is our inner selves telling us that we must change our path.
Frustration is the fallen tree, the rock fall that forces us to change our way.
Believe in your spirit and the spirits that surround us. Moreover, you will find your way.
Every fallen  rock will take one to a new path, take the negative and look for the positive.
Define a strategy. 
Everything is for a reason, only if you have the patients to understand the reason.
We often, in Argument, are blinded from our own entanglement of adrenalin to reason with focused thought. So as in fighting, find space , relax, form strategy, and understand the reason. Often you some times have to learn to except defeat to understand the hole picture, It is then that you become wiser in the matter in question or problem at state.
So like nature we must be free like the water when the river dries up the rain will come one day, to find its path, but that path is not mapped or is it refined as it can change at any time. It has different strengths as it can divide into many routs but its direction will find the simplest way to its goal, The Sea. 
As in life we must have a goal and aim for it. But like the stream, do not give up, as some times looking for what seems so far away will come to us in the end.

Karma is a state of practice and awareness. Without awareness it cannot be found or practiced. As we understand our selves before others, being a hermit is not the way to understand the world. should i say Life? As life is everything. everything that we know on earth.
Before I say more on this, I read a book on learning Chinese. And found a Proverb. English  translation.
It quotes: Look at flowers while riding horse back-gain a superficial understanding.
(A man who views flowers from horse back will never understand the real beauty of the Flowers.)
The world is a special place and should be explored. As in my photography, Scuba diving, and of course Martial Arts. These are my tools my antennae my magnifying glass to understand what I reflect on others as they reflect on to me.
What beauty this world has developed. Even the ugly has some form of beauty. As nature survives. And under goes the rules of the universe. Only man well make sorrow in what is. From destruction in lack of understanding. And greed.
Confusion is lack of understanding and people who confuse are just ignorant. Ignorance is a weakness of the mind but those who question their ignorance will become wiser. Those who fail to be open to why, are blinded by ignorant thought and are static therefore will never improve. They are without thought and feeling.
They only know hate not love, and without love, life is emptiness.
Soft things are remembered and hard to break.
Hard things are often broken and left behind and forgotten.
Those who shout and cheat are those have no thought for others but for them selves.
 (In shouting, I mean in an uncaring, boisterous manor.)
Religion is also confusing we all have a creator.
The creator wants us to be free but to be free is to have no boundary, so why do we wage war and hate with out selves as we are one with the many in our world with nature but even those who do not understand it destroy it.
If the bible is the book of Christianity why is it that they all break its rules?
If the church is a place of God and sanctuary, why is its leaders are so corrupt. And they wage war on each other.
If god gave us no image to idle why do we still create one?
Is our lack of faith built only on substance and image? Is this why so many of us cannot believe in our selves? Are we so week that Christianity has become a crutch to so many e truth and have become mixed up and split to rule man Religions have become far from what was meant to be. God to who or what ever God may be, only wanted us to help our selves. If he has enough to do fighting the forces of the negative and protecting the things that he loves. Most, the earth. 
We are part of the cosmos and we all come from the same thing. Forces beyond our wildest dreams will soon be discovered and some have come to light already.
Man will become wiser and let’s hope it will not be too late.
Man has surrounded him self in his own disaster.He has created his own prison of madness from confusing politics to material greed.
Buddhism is what one believes in him self the teachings are so different in cultures. From Zen to .....Its like martial arts, seem to have been created by interpretation of what should be, However I still have much to learn about  religion as it has much to understand.
Freedom of the spirit has no right or wrong. 
However, karma depicts what we are and how other views us.
If every one opened their mind to the world and universe and respected its rules.

Man kind would have a better understanding in him self and respect for others and his home.

Respect ones offer, and be open to return But never expect return.
Never let money come between friends, and loved ones Pay up and be thankful, If you cannot pay in full pay with small amount if be friend or business. Something is better then nothing. If you owe make sure you pay up before treating your self. As this will lead to Bad feeling.
Put in 100% and never ask for reward as when reward comes life becomes wonderful.
Never want Just wish and be thankful with what you have as that wish may come true.
Sadly Civilisation, so called Democracy has all gone wrong, so the way of life, man has trapped himself in his pitiful greed for material gain. And imprisonment of money and rising TAX And Interest. The forgetfulness that money will buy power. But He forget nature has no need for money and No mount of money can buy freedom and happiness, And restore life.
Its so sad that those of us who seek the freedom of life have no choice any more. Yet money seems now the only way to find some escape. But that comes at a cost too. we have to work hours and hours, Just to please others and in return paid enough to keep going. Take away all the materialistic stress. And then you will find new life.
And that money goes along way. Remember the TEA BAG? Society with all its new inventions does not make life easier. It creates another want for some one ells. Another Job that some one hates.  Catch 22! The planet gets smaller as man grows. As man suffocates himself in his own dilemma. The Innocent have to suffer too.
Is death the only escape?For centuries Man has been seeking the answers to realisation and enlightenment, Most in the form of isolation and religion. Buddhist monks and so on.
man has lost the real reason for being. Now lost he can only create to please man him self.

Back up information. If your into Un explained . UFOs Super natural. Read on, if not go to other chapters. 24

In the beginning of this book I wrote about things of a strange nature, and spoke of things that are so hard to believe, Or are they?

At school I was renowned for my imagination and allot of things I could not explain, as they came from within myself and were never taught to me. Or should I say channeled through me.

When I worked at the butchery I met very negative people and people who thought me crazy but often questioned in the fascination to only discover what I would say years later would come true.

For example I have never been afraid of telling people that I have seen UFO,s if we hold this to our selves how do we expect to gain evidence from others that what we see is true. So by telling of my sightings and encounters, People gave view, in doing so I found believers and other views, beliefs in religion and the fascinating things so many are doubting religion to day and opening their minds to their own beliefs. On the other hand, totally denying the fact, as they cannot cope with believing higher beings exists.
The big question, still now, came after close misses of asteroids and commits. Crop circles and Area 51, I could tell you more but you can never tell what could happen to you.
What is really out there?

My theory when I was 17.


                             So I explained my theory on the BIG BANG.
The time before time and matter.
Out of nothing came substance, substance through matter. When matter collides it becomes charged negative and positive. As the opposites attract and repel so some clung together and others repelled just as one day I broke a large magnet from an old TV that gave me thought as it was impossible in its present state to put it back together as each part became its own independent part and gained an opposite charge. Try it for your self.

So imagine a room with no friction or gravity. Filled with all the broken parts of this magnet. The action would be fascinating as some would gather together so fast they would crash and others would repel so fast they would shoot off until they came to rest if no other part of the magnet could oppose it and some would be court up in total balance pulled from both positive and negative sides.

This is now the universe the parts that form stars are those that collide and build into so much matter that the centre has so much weight that friction becomes to melt down.
So this heat escapes and pours to the outer like a pot boiling over becoming fuelled by it self.

Others like this take on to much matter and become so dense the centre cannot take any more so they exploded creating more galaxies in the centre if to a point implodes makes black holes to other universes. But out on the limb is one small planet that has its own slower point of growth so time became slow as its gravity was that that gave life. It pulled in matter gradually being protected by the sun and other planets. Not heavily influenced by other stars from gravitational pulls Earth became balanced and at one with its self. Gasses had time to change and develop and from that so did life.
Other forms of life as we wonder about in the universe and other dimensions looked at this planet and found it not like any other, we could be on the edge, or like a hurricanes eye we could be in the centre of the universe. 
The Main point here is that our planet became important to all the energies, higher consciousness in the universe, and that’s what we call God was sent to protect this as after Eons evolution became a fascination for many forms of thought energy. This is why this planet has been visited so many times and some have interacted with us. 
As the bible said Man will destroy himself and god will not allow the planet to be destroyed. 
Why? As I explained too many of my fellow workers, that if all those particles of magnets came to a state of balance through universal order. If one was to be thrown out of balance, then the whole galaxy, universe, and every thing will be like the balls on a snooker table, thrown into kayos. If all found attraction so all worlds collide together, starting the big bang all over again.
Its just my  theory from when i was yong.
Let’s look at this, as in yin Yang. The negative is opposite to positive one cannot work without the other but balance is in the middle like a weight scale. 
Positive is good as it like this balance but the negative is becoming stronger this is the bad sign. To make the whole balance perfect the two need to harmonise. Come together.
Have you ever seen the film THE DARK CRYSTAL?
Look it up its now on DVD and I have only just thought this but that film explains allot.
This is what is happening to man kind, and the outer forces see this we are special in our own way. However, if we carry on to destroy our planet; the earth will upset the whole universe. This is why god will not allow this, and will act if man goes too far.

We are not alone and we must be aware of this.
As I said five years ago in 1997, we will see that coming as what it written but in a form we did not expect.

I told many people that listen to me, is it not strange that once disarming came to force, UFO sighting dropped. But SI FI films and Star Trek. Babylon 5 and so many more films came to light. All the time cartoons and the message come through TV other forms, books and radio, which aliens and other life forces do exist.
Now children’s programs and toys also, it’s being fed into our minds not to be afraid of the unknown. Ok there some apposing ones but that is the negative not wanting the balance. Man in the past has destroyed what he does not understand. Now times are changing at last. Therefore, when the reality of visitors from outer space does happen we well have more understanding of who they are. 
About the poles changing on the earth and the global warming is a government cover up. The change is 6,000 years over due. Why man is so blind will be his own downfall, he must look after the planet, give love and piece.
Time of editing new research has come to light on the web as my stay in Malaysia and time to discover. This page may shed more light onto what i have written. and facts that for some reason people like politicians try to avoid. http://diveactive.com/Save_%20the_%20planet.htm
Science Fiction is the message given to us not to be afraid. When god not as we thought, will reveal him self, what we call aliens is our higher selves. We came from the stars, from many. Our sols are trapped here for reincarnation. However, this energy is heavy and man has forgotten who he is. This energy must be realest.
I must return to the cosmos.

How often have you heard those words of love?
God is love and love is God
This is as true as the love we give and create is the food that feeds the universe. The positive, the higher being. The Spirit. God the father and the Heal Ghost. The collectiveness of all our consciousness is felt in the universe. And that love is the food that feeds our creator.
This is why we must not hate as this feeds the apposing spirit the negative. If you fall in that trap you go down heal fast. It takes incredible mental strength to come back.
So lave and you will be loved. In giving Love, love will return to you.
The upper Paragraph came to me  while speaking to a friend, Claire who has felt nothing but negative anguish and hatred. So I gave here some of my thoughts, and she replied I have been so much better, it must come from you and as she was reading bits of the beginning of this book, I asked for a pen and quickly rote this down. This happened in the Hard rock Café in Hersonissos in Crete 22 of October 2002.
If we all learn to love thy neighbor we will save our selves. Already we have help from the stars. We must help our selves.

Talk this over and you will be surprised how many walk amongst us and those who follow.

Be warned of the dark angel, as they will appear to gain our trust only to over throw us and enslave us.

The God we look for has been written he has a name and we must look onto that he will come with others to teach us only if we fail. Look for the light of gold.
The bible is not god’s word it is a book written by profits. Historians. Why did it ever stop? Because to much came about.
It’s not so bad to be couscous but they know that. We are only mortals.

Good teacher protects his pupils from his own influence.
A fat belly cannot believe that such a thing, as hunger exists.
Real living is living for others.
Becoming a human being is an act.
True refinement seeks simplicity.
It is the will that makes men - success takes perseverance.
Empty heads have long tongues.
If every man would help his neighbour, no man would be without help.
Yesterday’s dreams are often tomorrow's realities.
If you want to do your duty properly, you should do a little more than that.
Those who are unaware they are walking in darkness will never seek the light.
You can acquire a lot in life, if you are prepared to give up a lot to get it.
A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.
It is not what you give it is the way that you give it.
A man is born to achieve great things if he has the strength to conquer himself.
Character is to the soul what appearance is to the body.
Pessimism blunts the tools you need to succeed.
Optimism is a faith that leads to success.
A goal is not always meant to be reached; it often serves simply as something to aim at.
One great cause of failure is lack of concentration.
Showing off is the fool’s idea of glory.
If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you will never get it done.
He who wants to succeed should learn how to fight, to strive, and to suffer.
If you don't want to slip up tomorrow, speak the truth today.
Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.
Self-education makes great men.
Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.
If you think a thing is impossible, you will make it impossible.
If you make an ass of yourself, there will always be someone there to ride you.
To strive actively to achieve some goal gives your life meaning and substance.
If you love life, do not waste time, for time is what life is made up of.
Patience is not passive; on the contrary it is concentrated strength.

27. "DOJO KUN"



CLASS WORK ATEMI-WAZA the art of rendering a person unconscious, dead, or incapacitated by the use of specialist strikes to vulnerable points on the body. Using only the body's natural weapons.
Blocking, evading and trapping. The art of break falling. Throwing techniques.
KATAME-WAZA locking of joints, neck locks, strangles. Martial skill of wrenching, chokes, etc.


 THE 25 THROWS     

1 Body drop. Pulling over leg. Tai Otoshi.
2 Body drop. Lifting leg.
3 Outer reaping. O Soto Gari.
4, inner reaping. O uchi gari .
5 Hip throw. O goshi.
6 Sweeping hip throw. Kaai goshi .
7 Sweeping hip throw to side.
8 Inner thigh throw. Uchi mata
9 Shoulder throw (use elbow) ipon seoi nage
10 Shoulder throw over leg drop. Seoi-otoshi
11 As 10 but drop body into uki's arm. Harai-goshi
Ukemi breaking your fall randori free practice. Tachi-waza: basic throwing techniques. Ashi-waza leg techniques throws koshi-waza hip throwing. Seoi-waza shoulder throws
Ashi-waza foot sweep throws.
Sutemi-waza sacrifice throws
12 Stomach throw. Tomo e nage
13 Head throw.
14 Variation.
15 Like no.4 s.c.i. thrust wheel turn.
16 Hand throw. Shiho-nage
17 Variation. Kotogaeshi
18 Variation. Ikkyo toshi
19 Variation. Sumi otoshi
20 Arm throws. Mio otoshi
21 Kneeling body drop.
22 Tenchinage.
23 Variation.
24 Variation.
25 Sacrifice- Grasping Opponent In Groin And Shoulder, Twist Body Taking Over.
5 moves from block and punch 5 move from evasion and take down 5 moves from evasion and throw 5 moves from punch and block, throw and take down. 5 moves from punch out side left to right arm and take down5 moves from stab 5 moves from back grab 5 moves from rear Chinese strangle 5 moves from full nelson 5 moves from bear hug 5 moves from kick to groin 5 moves from kick to head 5 moves from kick to bo

Combination Sparring.Aikido Tomiki Style.
17 Randori-No-Kata The Basic Techniques Of Free Practice.
A. Atemi Waza - Attacking Techniques B. Hiji Waza - Elbow Techniques C. Tekubi Waza - Wrist Techniques D. Uki Waza - Floating Techniques Jodan, Chudan, Gedan1. SHOMEN ATAE
















1. Take Uke's left-to-left hand down with chop from right hand stepping to right, with right hand push under Uke's chin.
2. AI GAMAE ATE Right to left hand palms take Tori's wrist use half Ikkyo bendable arm, take hand off Uke's wrist with arm swing. If throwing underarm then push Tora under chin.
3. GYAKU GAMAE ATE As above, right to right hand, take Uke's wrist and pull down, (like 1st form S.C.I.) but take your forearm and push across Uke's throat.
4. GEDAN ATE As in 3 but use right hand false chop to head, Uke attempts to block Tori, Empi's Uke to floor.
5. USHIRO ATE Like before but turn Uke away to right - so his back is on you - pull back and step aside.
6. OSHI TAOSHI Right hand to left as before. Your left hand to Uke's elbow, right hand on his wrist and Nikyo.
7. UDE GAESHI Arm lock right to right wrist
8. HIKI TAOSHI Ikkyo, move Uke's arm clockwise to your left bringing him towards you for the first time.
9. UDE HINERI Same right to left as S.C.I. pass to the other hand, move round to the left side of Uke pushing with straight arm and throwing away. Uke rolls for the first time.
10. WAKI GATAME Right to left take Uke's wrist with both hands and turn over to left side (knife defence) palm up lock in on arm, bring Uke to knees. 11. KOTE HINERI As in form 6 Oshi Taoshi, Tori puts lock on hand.
13. TENKAI KOTE HINERI Right to left, Tori moves left arm of Uke, going under as in no.7 S.C.I. Sankyo but moves round to front of Uke, bringing towards Tora as in form 8 Hiki Taoshi.
14. SHIHO-NAGE Going under Uke's left arm, twisting to pull him backwards. You move to your right, forcing Uke round.
15. MAE OTOSHI Take right to left hand, move Uke round, take his arm, and push with the bend of your left arm.
16. SUMI OTOSHI Right to left, take Uke's arm, go through his right and your left side lifting his arm up and pull down.
17. HIKI OTOSHI Like Kotegaeshi but use a hold on the elbow and twist with a combined strong pull. TOMIKI AIKIDO - JU JITSU

IKKYO Moving partner to side, turning arm, pushing the floor away from you and locking the arm.
NIKYO Taking wrist, knife drops down, (No. 6 form S.C.I.) take partner round and stopping him with Nikyo.
SANKYO Moving arm up, holding wrist, bringing partner to side.
YONKYO Wrist grab using pressure from fore finger on upper part of wrist, pushing partner forward.
SHIHO-NAGE Taking partners arm back over.
TENCHINAGE Opening up partner and taking his balance or throw from this.
KAITENNAGE Partner grabs wrist left to left, dropping your hand using an upper circle movement away from partner, bring partner to look up. Keep movement going, point your finger towards partners face bringing other hand to partners far shoulder, backtracking movement, bring him to earth.
KOKYUNAGE Partner grabs both wrists from behind, lifting arms, taking partners hands over head, twisting your hand towards hara, then outside in circular movement (clockwise for left hand or anticlockwise for right hand) causing partner to turn bringing back towards you, pointing fingers up, pull partner back to ground
KOTEGAESHI Moving partner round, taking wrist, taking him down. As from knife attack i.e.: Partners hand move towards you, take your palm while stepping to the side, to top side of his offending hand, thumb to little finger, twist his wrist to outer side and guide through with other hand, or just bend his hand towards himself, plying pressure down to earth. KI AIKIDO FORMS
1st Right hand holds right wrist.
2nd Right hand holds left wrist.
3rd Hold shoulder and other arm of gi.
4th Hold front of gi.
5th Strike centre of head.
 6th Strike side of head.
7th Poke to stomach.
8th Hold wrist with two hands. (Right above left)
9th Hold two wrists from front.
10th Hold shoulder from front.
11th Hold wrist from behind.
12th Hold elbow from behind.
13th Hold Shoulders from behind.
14th Hold one wrist and drag around neck from behind.
15th Hold arms around the body.
16th Hold the collar from behind.

Official extended Techniques . © Senci Gary Bridger 3rd dan 1996 to 2006SWSC MARTIAL ARTS Ju-Jitsu Free Style.
Free spirit

The following techniques are for Free spirit Ju-Jitsu. Only. They will in no way be used for or in any other use other then in self-defence. Or training. You can use the techniques mixed with all other forms. This is the building block of Free Spirit Ju-Jitsu.

There are many forms of techniques that can be applied to your skills.
Evasion, being one of the main and most certainly effective way of avoiding conflict.

To evade is to dodge or not be there at all. In circle Ju-Jitsu or Ai Ki Do to make your techniques work well for you, you  must remember and train you body and mind to remember some important rules.

Without constant training and disciplining your self. You cannot expect to control another, or question why a technique does not work. You are the master of your self and only you with guidance can master your self.

Remember.  Stay calm and relax the mind. Open your mind to your surroundings with focus on your attacker.  When the attack comes train to accept the attack so it almost makes contact. How to deal with this is found in the book The way of the infinite Martial Artists. That if your not reading this on line now, can be found at www.diveactive.com

This way the attacker commits him self. Hopefully his power and forward thinking will not anticipate your intention, so when you move your now in the advantage to take his power and use this to your advantage. Move in close. Use minimal effort, Move like a tornado.

Rule 1
Be calm

Rule 2
Let the attacker do the work.

Rule 3
When he commits himself, move in close.

Rule 4 
Absorb his momentum and power. Use it to your advantage.

Rule 5
Remember to breath. In hale on the attack, exhale on the counter attack.

Rule 6
Ki Ai. The importance to exhale when impacted from a strike from the attacker or from when you exert energy or fall to the ground.
(Read My book) 42 The infinite way of…….

Rule 7
Get behind your attacker if the move allows. Then you have the advantage to move into any attack that you can deliver well.

Rule 8
If the attack is very strong, then the rules apply (Push when pulled, pull when pushed)  especially if he grabs you. With close work. If the attack tenses, then you relax.

Rule 9
Give everything you have, leave no mercy, see my book on attitude of the Uki and Tori. Also you will find all information on Ki and other inner power training by going to to my web site. Look up the infinite way of the martial artist.42.

Rule 10
Finish! Be aware and look out for any other attacks. Do not just back off and leave your attacker until he acknowledges defeat. Training only. In reality. With strain or run. Make sure your safe and your way is cleare.

Once you have trained your self to do all these things in combat. And you can move without thought, and then forget all this. Rules do not count.

All moves should be practised from both sides. Opposite to the first move. When all have been successfully mastered then the same is to be used from attacks from behind.

Move 1
From front punch. Or a karate punch. Attack  ( a direct strike to the face.)

Take left hand Parry the strike in word, moving counter clockwise aiming your direction of Ki with your right hand pointing finger, brushing and striking attacker. Ready for counter attack and to attack.

Move 2

Same from punch, this time parry using right hand out ward. Clockwise, Sliding your wrist with open hand so your hand cups and catches attackers wrist. Whilst spinning clockwise motion, with your outer leg spinning full circle round backwards. This should bring your attacker leaning forward open to your attack. So he is leaning in front of you.

Move 3
Avoiding an attack from a roundhouse punch. To the head.
As the attack comes in.  Duck! to avoid then pushing the punching arm away from you with your left hand so you can  move round your attacker. Anti clockwise. Striking on the way with your right hand . Kei Ai loud shout.! Be ready for attack and then move in close to take down.

Move 4
Avoiding an overhead strike, with a bottle, knife or bar from R hand. Turn your body clockwise moving semi circle with the R leg. So you land up shoulder to shoulder to your attacker. Facing same way. Dropping your Left hand  on top off the committed arm holding the weapon. Thrusting the attacking weapon into the attacker.
From this, many manoeuvres may be used. Including reverse hand throw.

A. At this point your attackers arm will be across the front of your body, where either a lock or throw can be used, or by sliding your hand to attackers wrist you can then apply both your hands to attackers wrist and with left hand place your fingers behind the wrist with your thumb to attackers middle knuckle, Cupping your right hand over top, apply pressure down. To drop your opponent to the ground taking weapon away.
B.Advanced move will be to throw by stepping back with Left leg turning anti clockwise spinning attacker to the ground, 

C.            Warning this must only be used in self defence or if your partner in training knows how to break fall out of this throw!
D.            Alternatively , lowering your body, use a low stance holding your opponents wrist and arm and keeping your back up right in posture, Spin and this will force your opponent to the ground.
E.By stepping aside from the attack using your right hand forcing weapon into the attacker, letting go at this point and lifting the arm or use the hand under attackers chin. Push from back leg to throw attacker to the ground using a circular movement with your hand.

Now do the same attacks by opening your attacker up by getting inside his arms. This time throws and fast action must apply. Everything goes.
F. For Grading, I like to see 5 free style defence and attacks from each move.

Move 5
Attack from front kick.
As the kick comes towards you, turn slightly so the kick passes by you. If the kick comes from attackers right leg turn clockwise. Use your left arm to deflect the kicking leg as you turn. For an escape.

Again from this an elbow strike to the attackers body can be given on passing. After which other strike and take downs can be used.

Move 6
Same front kick. This time you pass by slapping the kick away with your R hand. Counter clockwise turn. Finish with a backhand fist strike then move in for take down.

Move 7
From a roundhouse thigh kick. Open your attacker and drive in your fore arm to inside kicking leg. To groin area. So if kick comes from R leg, step in with your right leg. Strike with R arm. Moving your leg to trip the attacker to the floor. Or lift to off set his balance.
Other strike can be elbow to the leg or to other parts of the body, watch for counter strike.

Move 8
 Used from a high kick, move as kick comes to you if front high kick to the face and you can move either to the side or leaning back. Turning away and leaning forward to counter strike. If you can sweep.

Blocking for close combat.
Use the same as above, use when attacker is able to counter strike, as you would use in the ten MAAS SCI forms.

One in particular to use of my own is the use off an attack as a backhand strike as if a person sat or stood next to you would suddenly strike. This is good to practice from sitting in a chare. Use natural move to protect your face, by lifting your hand covering the face. Palms in. as the attackers fist arm makes contact. Absorb the strike rolling your arms away to lock your attacker up. Restraint on this one!

Holds lock ups.

These moves can only be shown, and are used depending on the students ability.

Move 1
From a shoulder grab. Circle your arm, stretching all the way round. Both ways clockwise L and R side.

Move 2
Same as 1 counter clockwise.

Move 3
From full strangle

Move 4
From rear strangle

Move 5
From the Rear hair grab.

Move 6
From bear hug

Move 7
From a headlock.

Move 8
From Arm locks.

From wrist locks.

Weekend seminars can be arranged as long as enough students attend they will be for set forms leaning pressure points and focussing on set styles like Ju-Do karate kung fu. To use with our set techniques. Or what ever you request if need further refreshing. Any one wanting to attend seminars with the masters in Woking, find what’s on and let me know. If we can go by train or car, we can share the costs. However all other advents held by the association can be found on http://www.spiritcombat.com/.

Remember to practice the recommended basics. Again and again. Break falls Strikes Blocks stances. Breathing, ground work.

32. Conclusions to Matial Aarts

Your own life is like a field of corn, being fed by nature, being refreshed by the wind, but be careful as one storm will flatten you without warning, you will take years to recover. This is like fighting. It is o.k. To learn to be calm and take power but you must, like nature, learn to take power and give it back. Exploding, with all intent, to survive. Too much of one thing is never any good.
Karate and Tai-Kwan-Do, the arts that takes a good few years to master to the full, and yet at the end, many people have said that Karate is not just doing---it is becoming. One good book highly recommended is 'The moving Zen'. By C Nichole. A fine welsh man who spent many years in Japan. Sadly he died of cancer soon after making a documentary on Japanese culture around the late 90s. This one book I have repeatedly read. In addition, has inspired me so much.
The arts are good for all to learn for fitness, discipline, and endurance but it is not until you become 5th or even 6th or 7th Dan you may start to understand. This is one reason for writing this book.
Combined with other Karate training it is unquestionably good. Aikido is based on too much understanding, too much deepness but I strongly recommend it to understand how a person moves. What they call the martial of love, This in depth has much discipline then many of the other arts. It is close to religion.
It is a religion. Many other forms and styles of Aikido have moved forward to the present day.
Choose wisely,
Ki Aikido if you want to learn inner strength, energy of the universe, or Tomiki Aikido for defence. Hand ki do and others are just branches unifying each other in their art,
Hap Ki Do, etc. Judo, international sport, Sumo, Japanese sport, all take a lot of learning on technique but as a sport based from Ju-jitsu, like Aikido it is another one way path. It is also recommended and a lot of fun. It takes a lot of stamina and is certainly not for a fragile person. These arts are ones I have done myself and have tracked back to the source---Ju-jitsu,
Again, so many off shoots, to the art. However, like Kung Fu if you are open minded and willing enough to learn, then Ju-jitsu is an art that holds many answers which you can find anywhere in any art. They all come from Ju-jitsu, soft and hard forms. Simple but aggressive forms like Tai Jitsu, Goshin style Kick- Jitsu, modern forms,
Soft forms, spirit combat, Aki- Jitsu, etc. Like the Chinese Kung Fu being the roots of martial arts,
Kung Fu in Cantonese: - Perfected technique. It has many paths, many forms, as explained in this book. Freestyle Ju-jitsu may even take you back to Kendo, the way of the sword and this will teach you strategy. You can learn a lot from the book 'A book of five rings' about the Samurai way of life. The only way to learn is to find out and train.
To some up conclusion: For modern day life the aim is to learn all and understand.
Push and pull, give and take, listen and answer, deep and shallow. Being is not just becoming one with yourself, it is being at one with nature as your environment, part of your community. What you reflect on others will reflect upon you. Be aware. In martial arts, learn all. A lot of what has been written. It is good, to master one style but to master life, is not one style. Take off the blinkers and lead a full and enriched life. Open your mind and questions will be answered.

Often wondering if this is what influenced the trigrams from the Chinese.
Some confusion has been given, as man, many years ago did not have the wisdom of to day. As the bible is true but written in like a child’s way.

We are not children any more, we have reached understanding, and are starting to evolve.

We must expand, as that is what we were put here for.
No matter what art you learn. On the other hand, what you do in life without correct understanding and most importantly, awareness. Not just of others and your surroundings, but of yourself too. Your self is the key to everything.
If you want to live a life of Yin---Black, sport, etc., as a fighter you lead the path to one road, one goal. Tunnel vision to one objective, narrow mindedness, gaining only what is at hand.
Yang likes to be deeply philosophical about life, learning too much withholding all that surrounds them, soft on defence all the time.
In the end If its just Martial arts you want to do. And like to kick and punch, then take up Kick boxing, Its not really a martial art. . However if you really want to do the real thing, then your going to have some dedication and be real with your self as, as you have found martial arts is not just doing its becoming. If its sword, Japanese Samurai or Ju-Jitsu or kung -Fu what ever style where it comes from China Thailand what ever.. It take dedication and understanding. What you put in , you get out.
My own feeling is go out and try them all Pick out the best bits and combine them all. Remember what I said about water. Well they all land up traced back to there origin. what we find works for us Use it. Pix up all what I have given you and find your recopy.  But remember, you cannot live without water. Like martial arts is useless without understanding. A punch is nothing unless you know how to apply it. A song is only a song if it in tune, music, must have rhythm. And so must you.

33 Spiritual channelling :

As stated before, giving information, an explanation to why I have updated this book, as some of you have read this draft addition on my web site .
When I came to Crete, meeting many people and making many friends.

Through  contact and talking about my beliefs, some except some do not, others get me to tell the stories repeatedly, or I  meet people in pubs and now on my travels round the world.  So discussion takes place over a pint to late hours in the morning. On a beach or where ever fate takes me. I meet so many now who share the same thoughts.
So often I have been told I should write a book on them. Therefore, this is what I did, but it was not until I met Craig at Kannossos Royal water sports, next to the diving centre where I have been working over the summer of the year 2002.
We chatted about my book,  He told me I should read some books of his, as he was into the Martial Arts. And some of what I said related to a curtain book.
Again reading once more the Bruce Lee book, The Tao of Jeet-Kune -Do, what was featured in the film Dragon. I said no to his books as I have so much to do in finishing this book, and I was also reading up on my Nitrox diving, reading a book on spelling as this is a weakness I will still have to over come.
 Insisted I read this book of his, he told me things about the book. That related to what I had written. He said I would get a buzz from it, or it can bewilder me in not so many words.
Thinking I had everything all wrapped up in what I had in mid and put the puzzle together. By far missing so many parts. Hmm, not so, I am on the right path though and until I finished reading, the Tao of Jeet-Kun-Do. I lent the book to crag and in return he lent me the biggest inspiration of my life. The Answers? Yes, many of us have been dreaming about. To have our wonder put into perspective.
Well? Do not mind admitting it. Come on you may ask? what is this book? No it is not the BIBLE? That should be read any way, And that goes for many other religions in the east too.   and you will find it  hard to understand, with out references and some one to guide you with its contradicting quotes. As it was written. I have said too many, it is as a child’s book. very few had the wisdom and understanding to accept and reason with what went on and what they saw. hundreds or thousands of years ago. I am no expert on the matter. As years ago man did not understand as we do and look at possibilities to day. If he were told then what was has we have now. He would have lived in fear as man does any way. And he probably did so. Quite often, man fears and destroys the truth. I have said enough. Stop! Its not the bible of?
Let me say this , And please forgive me now for this will sound self opinionated. I feel like so many who sing also. That when the bible is quoted and preached. many really do not understand what is really written. Or spoken from the book. As the words become diluted in time, to make people relate to it. Its true essence has been lost Like martial arts. Dilution of other peoples perception.
Like a good beer that has been spoilt from adding and taking something to make it something ells.
In 1982 where being young and easily influenced I fell in love, and got engaged. I met her on the CB. The relation did not last long. When we broke up I discovered she was" Jehovah witness." But wrongly leading my up the garden path, as they say, Boy how nigh eve  I was then.
I looked into the religion, This was fascinating and I looked for answers. This was to fill in some gaps in my reasoning, And to become a learning curve in my life. Despite the changes it made and up sets to my family. As always to gain sacrifice has tom be made. No glass is filled unless it is emptied.
Inquisitive in what they had to say, as in confusion, I had many questions to ask. If some one cannot answer the question, then I looked ells where for the answer. I learnt so many things about what we take for granted and what we do not see. Scary but true.
Nevertheless, Something was so missing.
As so when in 1990 when I was doing Sho To Kan Karate. I was taken to a Do Jo In Taunton where this 4th dan karate instructor, was to give us lessons. I was told he was one of the best, However. In the class. I stopped and with respectful OOs I nodded my head to ask a question, I was poked very hard in  the chest with a glare of dissatisfaction. to be told never to ask a question unless asked to do so.
Well that was my turning point where I sleeked true masters. And found MAAS. that is to day. And not only them In other counties too. Even In Hong Kong they are approachable and happy to guide to blind.
How can anyone seek light without there being light. The truth is out there what ever you do.
As then many things that happened, affected me, I did not take baptism or stay with them, I still kept with most of what they believe, drawing my own conclusions. my Own beliefs.
I pray often, In my head and before I sleep. only Twice perhaps got angered and denied his existence.
Through frustration as matters confronted me, As I wrote before, my own selfishness, baffled me, and here came the after reasoning, When one stops , and asks WHY?  soon to have swallowed my words, as I know this wonderful spiritual force exists. However, as I said earlier my prayers are always answered in the end. How time made those come true. Time, Yes that's what it take and that is the biggest lesson in life. Time! time is what life is made from. time is what tests us all. Time is our teacher and patience is what achieves our goals.
The Bible And many other books from other religions have much the same. most of us believe and some do not. It has been written and from around the world I travel to find from many religions. They all lead to the same goal. That The supreme higher power who ever his name may be. Asks only one thing, We love and take care of our selves one another and be clean. Take care of the earth. So it has been written. However, so much is missing but like I have done, I took all that information that was revealed, about evolution and facts, uncovered by science combine them with the bible, and this is what conclusion I came up with in this book.
I have always said that we came from the stars.  We did not come from apes as thought. As a missing link has made me believe, that man was an experiment, or a bad physical being was exiled here. Alternatively, being from another planet came to earth or crashed here, and needed to survive so they mated with beast like man, to where man came to be. So the light can be seen, and man is waking up. So much of this book mentioned below has backed up everything I have said. I always said Darwin was wrong as this gap between man and Ape was missing, something that science avoided to add as society would not accepts this. Now to day people are rapidly coming to understand. Those who do move forward.
this is just my interpretation.
Well every thing I have been telling people is now coming true. this book is worth investigating and the link and probably open your eyes as it gave me more understanding to what I have written here. It back much to what I wrote. Explain more to the truth.
Being in Crete was for a reason of understanding.
The book that Craig gave me is: The planet of choices. http://www.theonlyplanetofchoice.com/thebook.htm
Edited by Mary Bennett. Gate way books.
After reading this book the puzzle was put to gather but a god thing happened I wonder whom Is Ruth as this name came into my head for reason I am not sure. Read this book and you will understand and find all your questions answered.

 34. Freedom
Once said that all man will have free will at the time of Adam And Eve in the garden of Eden Man And Woman was given choice not to see if they were bad, but to see if they could be obedient. Nevertheless, not realizing how much free will man and woman had. The world and the human race went forward in a turmoil manner.
Free will Choice of mind is not being stubborn or is it going out and doing things that you like. Its is doing things that are meant to be. That you feel you need to do and to make you feel better. Also think how it affects others before you act on them.
Like I have written of doing all what I have done, it took me so much will, afraid of the out come. However, how do we know if we do not try?
Doing what you want takes serious thought and planning Strategy.
If you just do things like a bull at a gate then you will fall flat on your face, when some one opens that gate.
Remember though there will be those who oppose what you do and those who do not.

35 Trusting your self that gut feeling.

How many times have you got up in the morning and felt ok. But for some reason,  events held you back from going out the door. You became late for work, or did not go in that day.
I went through this many times and in doing so either missed an accident or the phone rang and some advent that benefited me unfolded. Of course I still phoned into work to tell them I was not coming or I would be in later. Even having a headache. I  made an effort to work. Not like some who just use an excuse.
I was off work for 10 weeks seriously ill and had the worse record for time off at one time up to 7 years of service, but still kept my job. Some time I was so frustrated that events would prevent me from going into work some days. Even the truth was hard to believe. Like a burst pipe? On the other hand, I had to do something before coming to work. At least when I got to work I could put my whole heart into my work.
It’s so annoying when you have something bugging you in your head, and you’re trying to work, but cant because the bug distracts you.
One day I had a dream of crashing my car and was concerned about being late ,as my bosses because I had given me a warning.
However, I failed to consider my own warning. One ice-cold morning, I set of in my car late for work. Yes I Skidded and the dream came true.
However, that gave a step back that led onto other events that accelerated me forward.
Some time my explanations were so bizarre. I was regarded as a joke. Nevertheless, after a while it was accepted that that was just me. Often things I told would unfold.
Just remember if something does not feel right. Don’t tempt fate as they say. Explain the reason. Try asking for understanding. If you cannot get that understanding then you are in the wrong place.
Trust your instincts and intuition. That Gut feeling.
The same goes for interviews for work.
I had been offered a job right in my own town; I did not really want the job as I wanted to get out of butchery. However, fate was at hand, after going out to celebrate that I got a job, my roof got flooded and I fell through and hit my head giving myself a whiplash. I trusted this warning and was asked to do this job again I said no but was offered other jobs that I could do easily. They were not right. As much as I was concerned in losing everything for not having a job, Time was running out.
Wow just as I felt things were on the edge, I applied for a job scuba diving and only 3 e mails sent there it was . a replied E mail. I got offered the job.
Then I was offered four other jobs that I could still do when I got back to England.
Nevertheless, in most cases people are like TEA BAGS. They let people dangle them on a  thread and dunk them for their pleasure in that hot old cup. You soon lose all your strength, Soon the Tea Bag gets week and soon bursts. It causes a right mess and a nasty taste. Therefore, do not stop. Think, talk, and act. What is right for you? Find your destiny.

36. Postscripts

Some of you may call all of this ZEN. Call it what you wish but when you experience something of unusual nature, think of this.
You are part and one of all things that are and ever will be.
Emotions are hard to control, not just for us but for all nations, and until this world can control its emotions and think and reason with other nations, then  will their be peace and balance. Every thing happens for a reason,  some times it is hard to understand why.
Those out there who are not thinking and letting your selves get stressed, and emotions overcoming you, do not have time to stop and ask why. You are the result of animal instincts that we all have in us, but it must be controlled. If one attacks or runs, the rest follow. Stop and reason with your self, ask another why? Then one day every man will do the same and we will all understand the reason for being.
Negative emotions are the ones that corrupt the world and its nations as it becomes uncontrollable and so can love but our spirits our souls must find true love and balance to survive.
Love is the strongest of all emotions. Without love life will come to an end.

37 Smile 
I do hope this book has given you what I looked for when I became aware of myself and the world around me. A first saying to new students is: - Let the sunshine through your heart; let the world be your oyster. It is a shame that so many martial arts clubs believe that their way is the only way. Remember that you are you. You have your own destiny, find your own way, and do what you have to do.
Now the time is October 2002 and it is coming to the end of the season in Crete.
I just want to ad this little bit of information about me.
In 1997 I did not know I had another Cozen from my mother’s side.
I was to find that he to practiced Ai Ki Do from one of the original disciples from the founder. Moe Hay Oshiba I was also to find that my great, great grand mother was Chinese.
 Only those who do not understand me or find life confusing are living in a cage with out light.

38. Diet and a healthy life.
It astounds me after watching people and what they eat and how it affects them.
Some I could even say most just cannot help them selves.
Quite often I binge on junk food myself and pay for it in the end.
You get that craving for chocolate and a bag of crisps. A bag of peanuts in front of the TV.
Before you know it, you're reaching for the medicine cupboard, and downing painkillers and polluting your body.
Killers. Polluting your body.
You pollute your body with every thing from the time you get up in the morning.
Caffeine from tea, coffee. The water that comes from the tap.
Preservatives in food. In addition, more than likely eat too much because it tastes good. So you get fat. You become lazy. Then you get problems,  your blood pressure becomes high. And you on the road to the snow ball attack.
Ok, it is nice to eat nice tasty things but do it in moderation.
Drink plenty of spring water and cook vegetables lightly. Drain fat from food. Olive oil is perfect to cook in.
Reason I am adding this is that when I lived in Crete the only time I was ill was when I forgot to put salt on my food.
The Nutro flow product was exhalent when I had been out drinking and felt low. But I went from 71 kilo down to 63 64 kilo felt great all the time just from eating what was available and the food in Crete is all fresh and organic.
Remember this, before reaching for the medicine cupboard. Stop think? What caused this and drink plenty of water. Be aware of what you eat and how it affects you.
Supplements are not the answer only if you have been missing out on a balanced diet. See your Doctor.
Now I am home, I eat almost the same as did when in Crete, only that some foods I just cannot be resist, I do in moderation. 
If you do suffer from pain and have tried medications and eating differently. Like avoiding chocolate and fatty foods , ones that contain sodium glutamate , and other horrid chemicals. Then I strongly recommend a Bio flow. Mango therapy. Contact me for further information. Or go to the link on the front page. They help.
Remember, we are a unique biological complex machine. So look after it. In addition, do some light exercise once a day if your every day job does not allow you to do so.
Most important. Especially in to days rat race Of TV, Video DVD and computer games and entertainment. Our jobs have become easier yet boring. As everything is done by machine or computer. Get Some Exercise! Regularly!
Swimming Cycling and fast walking, helps flush your body. Makes you feel better and even your thinking becomes sharper.
The Hardest part of getting back into health and fitness, Id doing it. And overcoming the first bit of.  " Oh my god , That killed me"  Do it again and again, and you soon wished you did it a long time ago.

Friends? Yes let’s look at friends. Or foe!
How many of you out their think you have good friends, or are they.
I used to have a really good friend many yeas ago. I thought I had three very good friends, until it involved women. Jealousy takes hold like money and poverty,
My mother always said when poverty comes through the door love flies out the window.
How true that is, and not just poverty, a problem and incident and also shit in the form of some people. However if it’s happened, some time you just cannot change things you just find out who your true friends really are. More so that some time you’re just better off on your own.
Some judge others and scorn them behind there backs in stead of facing the problem, Take for example I was scorned upon for being who I am because I had nothing never had money, As the other had high paid jobs. The fact, is as you have read, I tried. And now Have the car I wanted the house with the nice fire and all the rest of it. My dreams come true and destiny un folds. Yes Don't grudge other. Time changed people. People change lives.
I once was told I would never have anything. Was always taken for granted as little as I had, always tried to pay my way. One of the hardest things was going to the pub. Living on your own with little money, comes hard, and it is hard when a group of people buy rounds of beer and your stood there with £5.00 not much to buy two pints, You do the driving they have the fun, They get pissed and then expect you to buy the drinks. Ok it gets you out.
If your self employed this is a warning. Do not be lead. And think everything is rosy. And think twice on going bankrupt. I did it the hard way and paid off £12,000 of debt, This way was and has brought me on top.
Well I spoke about calmer, what goes out comes round,
Who has the last Laugh me , I gave out now my rewords come back, I've been to many places now and soon seriously thinking of moving to the east Asia where people are more friendly to say they have some honor and look after each other. They don’t forget the little things in life. As they too have lead and believe in much what I do.
I guess this is my destiny, here I am September 2005 got everything a man could wish for, and soon to give it all up. Greece taught me one important thing in life. Having all the material things in life hanging on to hope, is all a waist of time. What is important is life it’s self and finding happiness, tranquil contentment in your work and in the place where you live, So Scuba diving was my dream and scuba diving is what I am going to do.  I love my family and they in the passed years have been so good.
My close friend who is with me now, I know they are close good friends; Friends are people who open up to you, confined in you and are there for you too. They are people who care like family, keep in touch even in hard times, people who share and never question. Who will go out their way to help and not ask in anything for return?
Who invite you into there house, respect you and you respect them. But also feel at home. Can relax and not feel uncomfortable. A friend is people who you can lend things to and it will be returned, as good as the way it was lent.
Who will respect your privacy and take you for who you are. We often criticize each other and family. But every one has there faults... Advice can be given but only they can decide weather to or not to take it.A friend is some one you can trust. No matter what you do. Not walk away and disown you when things go wrong.
They would never cheat you or steel from you. They would never say bad things behind your back, but to support or inform you of what’s been said in a tactful manor, they would not lie to you but confess in trouble.
Remember that philosophy.

Speak the truth to day you won’t slip up tomorrow.

Good teacher protects his pupils from his own influence.
A fat belly cannot believe that such a thing, as hunger exists.
Real living is living for others.
Becoming a human being is an act.
True refinement seeks simplicity.
It is the will that makes men - success takes perseverance.
Empty heads have long tongues.
If every man would help his neighbor, no man would be without help.
Yesterday’s dreams are often tomorrow's realities.
If you want to do your duty properly, you should do a little more than that.
Those who are unaware they are walking in darkness will never seek the light.
You can acquire a lot in life, if you are prepared to give up a lot to get it.
A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.
It is not what you give it is the way that you give it.
A man is born to achieve great things if he has the strength to conquer himself.
Character is to the soul what appearance is to the body.
Pessimism blunts the tools you need to succeed.
Optimism is a faith that leads to success.
A goal is not always meant to be reached; it often serves simply as something to aim at.
One great cause of failure is lack of concentration.
Showing off is the fool’s idea of glory.
If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you will never get it done.
He who wants to succeed should learn how to fight, to strive, and to suffer.
If you don't want to slip up tomorrow, speak the truth today.
Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.
Self-education makes great men.
Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.
If you think a thing is impossible, you will make it impossible.
If you make an ass of yourself, there will always be someone there to ride you.
To strive actively to achieve some goal gives your life meaning and substance.
If you love life, do not waste time, for time is what life is made up of.
Patience is not passive; on the contrary it is concentrated strength.

A Lesson in Life:   

Dedicated to my dear friend. Monica Mei  12th December 2005
None of us are perfect. We are all vulnerable and have are weakness.One lesson I learnt is that some times, it takes a loss of some one special to wake us up. And a view from the out side to help us to understand our selves. How can any one Judge another, if he has no understanding of him self. Often we should look at our selves to see how others see us.one most important step to take when stress takes over .
Stop think act.  It seems simple but so often over looked.
you do not know what you have until it is gone.
we may preach to others, but often forget to teach our selves the same lesson.
And so life goes On in the infinite way Learning as we go.
Life is one big lesson.
Time moved  .      It now 2011 And so much as come to light . Everything I have written here is starting to surface. I have no more e need to tell the tale but to convince what may well be to come in our life time. 
Through the encounters that drew me to travel.  All this and prophecy lead me to Borneo. Fate what ever you like to call it. I am here in Borneo , and as much as I wanted to go here and there, For some reason events to me on another strange path. Involved in friendships that would take me to the understanding of Religions and discussions with so many open minded people. 
As Much As I love scuba diving . fate moved me to pursue digital photography, that to I now question . As will it still be in use in the near future.  

However 5 years have passed my savings I feel wasted on unnecessary travel . but there again I have seen and photographed Malaysia and some of Asia . 
I am not working and wonder and pray . Why am I here and cannot move on. Something hold me back. A catch 22 again . in doing so I learn. 
Writing Blogs and spreading word . If this why I am here. I hate who and why I am in a way obsessed by this . And why the strange thoughts follow me , I cannot keep it to my self. 

are we facing something amazing . Are events pushing us to open our minds to events to come. 

Well now ancient Aliens has come to the screen the History Chanel . All has surfaced and come to be. And now as I have said before. Its up to the believers. those who are open to awareness and the truth. We came from the stars or are a product from an experiment from those who come from the stars . What man as thought of as God is god. But still there have been fights of the gods and the yin and the yang 
. If you look into the program battle of god and the devil the two programs , book, history, religious books, all come to light that we are facing a time of shock to those who are skeptic. to disbelief.  

If you ignore the facts and the evidence, what is there and what is trying to tell us. the global events double each year. Then How and what. Now time is upon us .  

2012..    Even Martial Arts. To day times have changes, lessons forgotten Cultures progress and think nothing more then building cities , becoming financially better then the other, Now the truth comes forth, those piles of sand , I mentioned , So many as i said have collapsed.

Martial arts is now an escape from what reality of life throws at us, Sport now is a get away, To release the mind from the stresses of what man has built around him. Some lose them selves in the modern commuter gadgets and games, Others, in Music,

Only in the last 7 years from the time I came to Malaysia , Have that what i wrote came to past and reviled its self. We are facing something of a mass change. Those who lack awareness are lost in the computer matrix . Avoiding the global issues that confront us, Depressing as it my sound, I had hoped to have found paradise from my wisdom and learning.  However. I cannot help seeing what goes on around me, how people have changed, How the collapse of the human race is upon us, That what I understood and then tried to push back, may well sling shot to become reality.

Earth Quakes and Financial collapse, The truth of Religion and the undermining of our beliefs, The constant war of nations and religion grow, Like a black cloud,

What are the governments hiding when faced and asked Why?

All this and so much more, now can be seen on the internet, When i started writ in this, there was no internet, Now Everything is and has educated in good and in bad the knowledge of the world , through the ability of Hi tech communication. Very little is secret any more.

My time here in Malaysia has been not one of fun nor happiness, just bitterness and understanding of the world and what it has become,

Well I did have allot of fun meeting so many people achieving goals like I wrote before about prayer /wish/ self belief, So i became the dive instructor and the martial arts instructor and the Photographer, more so  worked with marine biologists and mad a dream come true.  

It is so sad as each year ending i text friends and discover more have passed away.

Divorce :
2014 it came, My one big fear, Divorce. Often what we fear becomes reality, As what we fear Ego and fear creates its own evil. We create our own world, we are not us at all but a make up of what the world around us moulds us into.
What you ask!
Thats right we have as those of un awareness have no personality. We become what we think we should become often to please others, Or make up a personality to escape the pain of life.

It is our soul that truly is who we are and not the shatty little voice in our heads, that to most goes often OTT making daft calculations to what we want and don't want.

Do not be controlled by other or let the monkey mind control you. Through meditation and as i will say again later. Become who you truly are. By meditation and healthy diet (super food) Deep though, You can and will find enlightenment. I will list 3 damn good book for you to read to fully understand what I am putting over to you . this books , if i have not listed them already have helped me so much and helped me bounce back so many times, to also spread the word and help others .

When people say and talk about helping other And Charity. The truth is is that they are actually making matters worse.

I have said this before, My old mast "he will pass the toilet roll , but will not wide your ass".
You have heard the saying , God only helps those who help them selves. How true that is, If you become a do gooder, Honestly your covering up some form of guilt, and imposing a crutch for others to lean on. help is good to a point if a person is disabled or old. They have tried and beyond self help. then they need support.
Now like I have written about philosophy and self help so many time. When you give physical help by material or financial. It may give the in need a push, often more then not, they feel they can take advantage.

Go back to Bruce Lee's proverbs. "A man with fat belly does not believe hunger exists"?

This is so tru for those with more money then they need and those who have everything, They will impose on others to be the same thinking as them, Not thinking that others in this world struggle to get what they have, more so sacrifice or need every penny to support their own family and them- selves. Oh no! They do not see beyond their wallet , Bill fold, for you americans.

They inflict and insult others as they become the bullies of society that everyone should dip into their pockets and give up their belonging for others When truthfully . They are the users , the lazy ones that get others to do their dirty work. They are the egolists that thrive on others empathy.

The lack true friend, Seem loners as people after a whyle grow tired of their audacity to control.

You will find they drink and smoke allot and most are un healthy  and make jokes hoping the world with laugh with them, they throw insults and pick on people, as they feel some sort of power not knowing that they are heating peoples feeling around them, They feel some kind of lord and a fuls king/ superior position.  These are the fat bellies who think they are great by helping others to gain recognition.

Am I ringing bells here?

Help become from self help. Inner strength and self support!

Look up again the book The power of Now!
Also free on You tube , an Audio book called "The Game of life and how to play it"
"The book of 5 ring. " and "The art of war." 

Relation ships go with out trust, people one want one thing money, To buy with out thought. Sacrificing the morals of living. Ripping down natural resources, taking from the earth and nothing given back, Building cities with out thought of tomorrows fields and tree. that gave us life in the beginning.

Man had lost love. Become  bent on destruction, thinking of nothing but self-gain. The more he has the more he wants. Until it’s all gone. Man may never leave this earth, We make films of being from the stars, Like V and independence day.Going to the Moon!.  Does not man really reflect that one day, he sees himself doing the same, If we involve and find ways to leave earth, There will be those who still want more and, if we do find other life on other planets, they  view to the universe  as a threat. Just as the film Avatar reflects.

So Are the historians right in their predictions. From The Wholly bible, Words From the Truth that is written in the Korhan meant to put man in his place, Are these words all from Prophets given by terrestrial beings that we in the past recognised as gods?

Do those gods possess time travel , they have seen our fate . but we have completely denied the truth, And now are falling victim  over our own greed and foolishness.

As time passes questions rise, Veterans come forward and tell truth stories , as they have nothing to lose, You tube is flooded with it. As much as evidence  is in our face, there still are those that appose it, And for that reason, we are not ready for the truth or to be ready to evolve . We do not have the self discipline and control of our selves to handle such knowledge and power. Like the Third eye 

The Third EYE know as the pituitary gland in most people to day has been mad dormant. 
Hitler have the jewish prisoners Fluoride to destroy this. To stop them living on a spiritual level, The Catholics disclaim allot of the truth and hide behind the word GOD. As the truth of jesus was a spiritualist and taught insight and meditation. 

This sadly ( control over the human race is still in power. Soon as many of us develop and become aware or are aware of the truth, as it has been with us from birth, Thos of us live on a higher self or seek understanding and answers. Some of us have answers or experiences that cannot be explained.   
One day we may well be called upon. As much as many may laugh and this how stupid all this sound, Do the research!

With to days understanding of who we are and where we came from. How we develop, Why are we so different from culture to race. Religion s Your in for a big shock.

Nibiru or planet x is the next ? Well I wont say much more, Just again I will say go and do your home work, and draw your own conclusion. 

20017 coming to a close. 

As from 2014 , I cam back from borneo losing my love and having to face homelessness. Staying with the parents of one who i could say has been a good  friend . Then gaining my other dream job , Working in liverpool street in City Studio as a photographer, Due to the fathers ill health, I had to leave 7 months later to nurse and help my other best friend Lewis Stone who had Lymph cancer, to be their when he dies , This is when I read the book of angels and then the power of now. I was on the edge of following Ronim Williams fate.

Another 7 months passes.  I developed a carp float ( the floating bait presenter) its a controller to be honest. Sales are increasing. With patent!

I seriously lost everything. Why one may ask. As I said , it all must be for reason , "Empty glass to be filled". 

I hit rock bottom and climb back stronger then ever. Still a big softy though, Cry or tearful when faced with others sorrow or happiness or a nature program, Yes my eye is open 12 Chakra , What ever, ? 
I focus on going fishing, to catch that whopper of a Carp. i focus on my photography to gain my ARPS. 
I practice more to play my guitar and learn songs to sing. 
I change jobs and sink lower. Well perhaps a blessing in disguise. Money became the ego of my friend wife, And again I have to move. Changing my car also due to rust , Blessing in disguise. A person who I thought differently off took me in as a lodger.
Made more friend , met a person from the dive industry who never read this book but seemed to know everything but not himself. living with 2 dos and 4 cats that loved me more then anyone other then my mum had, I miss them and the walks we went on , 3 Weddings , 2 moves, and 18 months passed. Time to leave. yes another learning curve. most of all to find another blessing or turn point in my life. To find that I can still have what is by divine right mine! ato have holidays and I bought what i wanted for so long from back in 1984 A hasselblad camera. How i managed to save in cash £1000. after going for a holiday in Malaysia to see my old girlfriends and friends and ex wife, Who now is a real good friend I love her more. Not sure if the feeling is mutual ha ha. But we are still communicating. 

I now work as a kitchen porter part time 26 hours a week , I take home more them I thought and spend to much time searching for jobs waisting money on interviews that go no where. 
What a culture shock returning back to England has been Its been an up and down adventure. The time I felt I wanted to end it all. Time have changes, The world is changing big time. Not for the better, My Blog and endeavour to make change in the world, as so many nock me fore, Some how is making a ripple. i in 2010 did make a dent in the war agains plastic and have done once again.  As you can read on my blog :RUBBISH EVERYWHERE" I tried starting up my ju-jitsu classes, But kids to day lack any support from parents. 

Roll on the Brexit , as more changes to come , Global warming to most is a joke and so we experience more climate change as they do nothing.

Perhaps this is all meant to be, as the earthquakes and tidal changes rain and fire become worse every year. Time for population reduction like it or not, the self thinking chip is taking over, more and more people are dying from cancer, plus other sickness, due to the fall of their EU hidden strategy, by forcing us to eat ready meals or food with chemicals the poison us.  With the focing hypnosis to control us with new technology, as we BOW ARE HEADS to view the phone . the phone over rull you and your neck gets lower cutting off your ki energy you  ki flow ! The natural flow of oxygen to your brain and blood flow the regulates the chemical balance in your body. 

Wow , where did that come from. Well lessons from the beginning of this book? or have you already forgotten? 

I bought another bicycle I rdden 3 times and bust get out on to get fit again for diving. 
No love in my life at present, Although there are a few who would. Just not for me. 
A trip to ice lad, with a few other trips and goals i set for my self to do and see before I die have now been experienced and executed,. Huray! 
I still not laded that big 30 LB carp. just bordering a 20 . next is the canon 5 D full frame, just to prove a point. Christmas is over. Now to go photograph Winchester. 
Barge holiday, Scotland , I will go back to ice land again when Its not so iced up , 
Christmas island, the galapagos island green land and St George , Dive with Dolphins. 
Get another house of my own . So I can sit dedit more photos and complete this book. Perhaps by then we will have leaned the truth and I can put all this behind me and start a new adventure if i am not dead. As So many I remember saying , None of this will happen in my life time